Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Australian Election November 24th and Kevin Rudd wasting Taxpayer's Money Already
Big news today with Prime Minister John Howard calling the election for the 24th November. It was rumoured yesterday he was going to call it this weekend rather than call Parliament back this week. Kevin Rudd probably didn't expect it to be called because he was accusing the Government of wasting taxpayers money last week for recalling Parliament this week if Mr Howard decided to have Parliament sit. Mr Rudd IS a waste of taxpayers money since every time he goes to Canberra he is using taxes to pay for it. So where does he stand on this one? He has no choice but to serve the electorate which voted for him? Will he decide to stay in Canberra and not travel any more, even to his electorate, so he can be 'fiscally conservative'?
Will Mr Rudd declare he will use Union money to travel around the country IF he was the future Prime Minister? they have so much Union backing it would be economically feasible.
Will Mr Rudd declare he will use Union money to travel around the country IF he was the future Prime Minister? they have so much Union backing it would be economically feasible.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Liberals (note: leftists, not Australian Liberal Party) Ignore the Surge
In Iraq the surge has radically decreased the violence but liberals are still griping that Bush should never have been in there in the first place. Well, well, well. In 1998 when Lewinsky was hot Clinton launched a mini-invasion WITHOUT UN approval, and the US has been monitoring the Gulf (shipping) and no-fly zones in North and South Iraq to keep Saddam in check. Shame that leftisits refuse to acknowledge the facts.
Australian History
Prime Minister John Howard has his own education revolution planned. It in fact deals with history which I totally agree every Australian teen should study.
Here it outlines his plans to teach an all-rounded unbiased history of Australia. The left howls in agony as it is they that do not want a realistic representation of history, but their own doctored history approved by leftist unions and teachers who wish to push their views (leftist) on students.
Will Australia have the ability to think for itself or will we keep allowing political interest groups brainwash us in order to achieve their political goals. This defeats the purpose of education which is to give our young people an interest in our country's history. The 'groups' want to gain political power and use it for their gain.
History (unbiased) is so important for our school systems. John Howard has a plan.
Research what the news is saying on this issue and John Howard's plan. It may enlighten the reader to the facts of which I mention above.
Here it outlines his plans to teach an all-rounded unbiased history of Australia. The left howls in agony as it is they that do not want a realistic representation of history, but their own doctored history approved by leftist unions and teachers who wish to push their views (leftist) on students.
Will Australia have the ability to think for itself or will we keep allowing political interest groups brainwash us in order to achieve their political goals. This defeats the purpose of education which is to give our young people an interest in our country's history. The 'groups' want to gain political power and use it for their gain.
History (unbiased) is so important for our school systems. John Howard has a plan.
Research what the news is saying on this issue and John Howard's plan. It may enlighten the reader to the facts of which I mention above.
Global Warming Must See Video
I have investigated this issue thoroughly and I am convinced that 'Climate Change' is not caused by carbon emissions. I can't see the link, except in the environmental movement's motives, which are:
1. To stifle, prevent and block any commercial development.
2. To promote a Frankfurt School Socialist type of system using 'Global Warming' as its vehicle to execute its plans.
3. To prevent those in poorer countries luxuries that we have here in the West.
Basically the environmental movement is totally obsessed in controlling the earth as any Communist doctrine will strive for. They do not realise the reasons of reality but live in a propaganda sheltered world which prevents them from keeping an open mind and actually thinking individually.
The Great Global Warming Swindle is a must see if you can dare appreciate clean drinking water, electricity, gas, garbage collection services and beautiful roads in your own 'environment'.
Before you read the 'lies' which dispute the documentary, ask yourself, if a doctrine is not able to stand being questioned then what will the proponent's reaction of that doctrine be? Mind the rug, there might be something swept under it no one wants you to know.
1. To stifle, prevent and block any commercial development.
2. To promote a Frankfurt School Socialist type of system using 'Global Warming' as its vehicle to execute its plans.
3. To prevent those in poorer countries luxuries that we have here in the West.
Basically the environmental movement is totally obsessed in controlling the earth as any Communist doctrine will strive for. They do not realise the reasons of reality but live in a propaganda sheltered world which prevents them from keeping an open mind and actually thinking individually.
The Great Global Warming Swindle is a must see if you can dare appreciate clean drinking water, electricity, gas, garbage collection services and beautiful roads in your own 'environment'.
Before you read the 'lies' which dispute the documentary, ask yourself, if a doctrine is not able to stand being questioned then what will the proponent's reaction of that doctrine be? Mind the rug, there might be something swept under it no one wants you to know.
The Great Global Warming Swindle
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
McClelland Apologises!
And he accuses 'one major newspaper insinuating "that I was advocating in respect to individuals who had been convicted of terrorism. That wasn’t my intention. " ' Well your speech actually says the opposite Mr McClelland- :"In Government we will therefore take the lead on encouraging the establishment of a regional coalition against the death penalty. This will demonstrate that Australia is serious about universal abolition."
So is Labor talking about abolishing the death penalty, or only abolishing it for those that are not convicted of terrorism? According to everything Labor has said they ARE advocting abolishment of the death penalty without regards for terrorism or not. The only confusion has actually arisen during Mr McClelland's apology.
Read the article at The Australian, you will see Labor is only covering themselves by saying they weren't advocating the death penalty for foreigners, but it is the biggest ever smokescreen by Labor I have ever seen. They don't appreciate that Australians actually like Asia and actually a lot of Labor voters have totally agreed with Corporal and Capital punishment. Now we will see who wins the election. It wasn't Howard's rabbit, it was Rudd's duck.
And what is Mr McClelland exactly apologising for? "Robert McClelland says his controversial death penalty speech was poorly timed and open to the interpretation that he might defend the Bali bombers."
So is Labor talking about abolishing the death penalty, or only abolishing it for those that are not convicted of terrorism? According to everything Labor has said they ARE advocting abolishment of the death penalty without regards for terrorism or not. The only confusion has actually arisen during Mr McClelland's apology.
Read the article at The Australian, you will see Labor is only covering themselves by saying they weren't advocating the death penalty for foreigners, but it is the biggest ever smokescreen by Labor I have ever seen. They don't appreciate that Australians actually like Asia and actually a lot of Labor voters have totally agreed with Corporal and Capital punishment. Now we will see who wins the election. It wasn't Howard's rabbit, it was Rudd's duck.
And what is Mr McClelland exactly apologising for? "Robert McClelland says his controversial death penalty speech was poorly timed and open to the interpretation that he might defend the Bali bombers."
Rudd wants to abolish Capital Punishment
This site says Rudd wants to abolish the death penalty, back in June of this year. Isn't it already abolished here in Australia? Oh, you mean he wants to do what Robert McClelland said the other night in his speech? Um, yes, it looks, as though, Rudd agrees with everything Robert McClelland says,um..... except the terrorist part. So is Labor going to abolish the death penalty in Asia or not?
Vote Labor.......
.....Vote Labor to abolish the death penalty in Asia......don't worry if they are democracies, we will FORCE them because we know better, and of course we don't care! And don't use the T word, -it may make the Bali bomb victims a little hysterical.........
This sounds like the Shadow Minister the other night which Rudd ripped into for:
from AsiaDeathDenalty blog
Robert Macklin said Mr Rudd had not spoken widely about the issue before, but his authorised biography contained "a heck of a lot that is absolutely brand new".
"For example, I'm sure that no one has ever mentioned that if he gets to be prime minister one of his important foreign policy objectives will be to begin a campaign to rid the world of the death penalty," the ABC quoted him as saying.
Read the rest....
Vote Labor.......
.....Vote Labor to abolish the death penalty in Asia......don't worry if they are democracies, we will FORCE them because we know better, and of course we don't care! And don't use the T word, -it may make the Bali bomb victims a little hysterical.........
This sounds like the Shadow Minister the other night which Rudd ripped into for:
from AsiaDeathDenalty blog
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Australia: Rudd would oppose death penalty
The author of a new biography of Australia's Opposition Leader says Kevin Rudd would launch a campaign against the death penalty if he was elected Prime Minister.Robert Macklin said Mr Rudd had not spoken widely about the issue before, but his authorised biography contained "a heck of a lot that is absolutely brand new".
"For example, I'm sure that no one has ever mentioned that if he gets to be prime minister one of his important foreign policy objectives will be to begin a campaign to rid the world of the death penalty," the ABC quoted him as saying.
Read the rest....
Rudd is Laughing Stock-Rudd's Lies are Striking
Abolition of the Death Penalty; Appointment of Robert Gerard
Rudd is a liar. How will he explain this? 'I goofed.....again' is a possible goer with the 'Me-too' Opposition Leader.
Not only was the idea about taking Iran's President to the ICC a joke by Mr Rudd, but this takes the cake. On 3rd December 2005 Kevin Rudd had spoken entirely in favor of abolishing the death penalty and his comments are exactly in line with Robert McClellands and the Labor Party's own policies. Labor is against the death penalty full stop. Doesn't matter if your family member or mate died because of some terrorist. Labor doesn't care.
Just look at their policy. They are even against sending people to jail. No wonder state Labor won't commit to building prisons in order to allow for extra flexibility so Judges don't keep on 'suspending sentences'. I bet that the Australian Labor Party is promoting human rights for offenders, that is, letting them go with 'paper sentences' like suspending the sentence. They are willing to confiscate in Communist fashion the assets of corporate offenders and those who have assets/money. Shame that criminals are smart and won't allow the police to sniff out their bank accounts.
Labor is a Socialist party with extreme left wing policies that promote crime and follow in the footsteps of Britain where it has essentially gone down the drain. They will probably send flowers to terrorists if they commit an atrocity against Australia instead of to the victims...... God can't the lefties go to NZ where that woman PM is their spokeswoman, opposing the Iraq war and all that?
Rudd is a liar. How will he explain this? 'I goofed.....again' is a possible goer with the 'Me-too' Opposition Leader.
Not only was the idea about taking Iran's President to the ICC a joke by Mr Rudd, but this takes the cake. On 3rd December 2005 Kevin Rudd had spoken entirely in favor of abolishing the death penalty and his comments are exactly in line with Robert McClellands and the Labor Party's own policies. Labor is against the death penalty full stop. Doesn't matter if your family member or mate died because of some terrorist. Labor doesn't care.
Just look at their policy. They are even against sending people to jail. No wonder state Labor won't commit to building prisons in order to allow for extra flexibility so Judges don't keep on 'suspending sentences'. I bet that the Australian Labor Party is promoting human rights for offenders, that is, letting them go with 'paper sentences' like suspending the sentence. They are willing to confiscate in Communist fashion the assets of corporate offenders and those who have assets/money. Shame that criminals are smart and won't allow the police to sniff out their bank accounts.
Labor is a Socialist party with extreme left wing policies that promote crime and follow in the footsteps of Britain where it has essentially gone down the drain. They will probably send flowers to terrorists if they commit an atrocity against Australia instead of to the victims...... God can't the lefties go to NZ where that woman PM is their spokeswoman, opposing the Iraq war and all that?
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Human Shields From Iraq MIA?
Where are those peace activist who went to Iraq to stop a war? I suppose they aren't concerned so much with the death rate in anything than with the US's plans for democracy. I wonder if they are going to go to Burma to protect the Junta instead of protect the protesters?
Site of the Day-All About Iran
Kenneth Timmerman is one of those Authors I love. His web site is here.
Communism Alive and Well
This one I found through Jim Ball's web site. An Article in American Thinker, I have never assumed the Cold War to be over. The Soviet collapse basically ended any hostilities against the West for a period. Now we will see how Stalinist they still are.
Actually a book I am reading by Whittaker Chambers called Witness is a lot about Communism in the US. It is a masterpiece and everyone should read it.
This is another great article on Neo-Communism and worth reading too.
Actually a book I am reading by Whittaker Chambers called Witness is a lot about Communism in the US. It is a masterpiece and everyone should read it.
This is another great article on Neo-Communism and worth reading too.
Prime Minister Says Rudd Fails to Take Responsibility for His Own Policies
The Prime Minister rightly says that Kevin Rudd is blaming the wrong man here.
"We hear a lot from Mr Rudd about the blame game; I think I now know what the blame game is. It's Mr Rudd blaming other people when he should accept responsibility. If there is a bad policy of the Government, or a policy that gets criticised then I have to accept and so I should as head of the Government, responsibility for it. But for Mr Rudd to try and blame other people and to pretend that Robert McClelland was not articulating the policy of the Australian Labor Party is quite extraordinary and he deserves to be criticised for trying to blame other people for an insensitive policy."
Kevin Rudd does not want to take a Political bullet on this, and it seems that his whole party has taken the bullet by upsetting a lot of Australians. Not only this but my own local member wanted to save the Bali Nine from Death Row, spend taxpayer money on them by bringing them back here. Well, why not bring all the war criminals and druggies to Australia and fix them up in one of our Hilton Hotel jails. We could even supply them with a drug fest all purely at Australian taxpayer expense. I am glad now the Australian community are seeing the Australian Labor Party's True Colours.
"We hear a lot from Mr Rudd about the blame game; I think I now know what the blame game is. It's Mr Rudd blaming other people when he should accept responsibility. If there is a bad policy of the Government, or a policy that gets criticised then I have to accept and so I should as head of the Government, responsibility for it. But for Mr Rudd to try and blame other people and to pretend that Robert McClelland was not articulating the policy of the Australian Labor Party is quite extraordinary and he deserves to be criticised for trying to blame other people for an insensitive policy."
Kevin Rudd does not want to take a Political bullet on this, and it seems that his whole party has taken the bullet by upsetting a lot of Australians. Not only this but my own local member wanted to save the Bali Nine from Death Row, spend taxpayer money on them by bringing them back here. Well, why not bring all the war criminals and druggies to Australia and fix them up in one of our Hilton Hotel jails. We could even supply them with a drug fest all purely at Australian taxpayer expense. I am glad now the Australian community are seeing the Australian Labor Party's True Colours.
Guns Stop Murder
Guns are used in this American town to great effect. In Australia the leftists would shriek that we would reduce our murder and crime rates that they would call guns evil as usual!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Labor to Bully our Asian Neighbors to End Death Penalty!
Save Bali bombers: McClelland
Has Labor made the slip that Howard needs to take the lead in the polls? With this stunning development in Labor's defeatist leftism, Australian's may now thwart Rudd's lead in the polls and finally we may see an election announced very soon.
Labor would be distracted with campaigning on its leftist issues and policies like this and we will see a Rudd Government become stagnant and lose the plot. It is not ok to go into Iraq but it is ok to tell other countries what to do? Labor is hypocritical in its Foreign Policy as well as many other policies, especially Industrial Relations. Extorting money from companies to campaign for Labor is fine, but for companies to actually speak out FOR the Howard Government's IR laws is outrageous according to Labor.
Labor has also absolved itself of any moral responsibility. With these countries in Asia handing out the death penalty to these terrorists it is morally incorrect to say that we need to save these murderers. Why is it Labor want to help non-Australians who blow us (Australians!) up and not the other way around? Labor is off the planet, as usual.
With Labor involved with the 'Human Rights Movement' aka Do-Gooders where the Judges will have unelected Authority over the population, what will happen to democracy, let alone our Court and Justice system which is already under high-powered attack from the legal fraternity.
I feel the same as this Bali Bomber survivor, I am outraged.
Has Labor made the slip that Howard needs to take the lead in the polls? With this stunning development in Labor's defeatist leftism, Australian's may now thwart Rudd's lead in the polls and finally we may see an election announced very soon.
Labor would be distracted with campaigning on its leftist issues and policies like this and we will see a Rudd Government become stagnant and lose the plot. It is not ok to go into Iraq but it is ok to tell other countries what to do? Labor is hypocritical in its Foreign Policy as well as many other policies, especially Industrial Relations. Extorting money from companies to campaign for Labor is fine, but for companies to actually speak out FOR the Howard Government's IR laws is outrageous according to Labor.
Labor has also absolved itself of any moral responsibility. With these countries in Asia handing out the death penalty to these terrorists it is morally incorrect to say that we need to save these murderers. Why is it Labor want to help non-Australians who blow us (Australians!) up and not the other way around? Labor is off the planet, as usual.
With Labor involved with the 'Human Rights Movement' aka Do-Gooders where the Judges will have unelected Authority over the population, what will happen to democracy, let alone our Court and Justice system which is already under high-powered attack from the legal fraternity.
I feel the same as this Bali Bomber survivor, I am outraged.
RAAF Super Hornet story in The Australian
RAAF pilot on a high with his super new Hornet
Nothing new here apart from some glossing of the Super Hornets. While I like them I think that 24 of them will never ever replace the F111 in substance (half the range of the PIG too!). They are a gap filler like the post below says for the F/A18s, not for F111s. What are we going to do here? Put half the Air Force under maintenance, scrap the F111s and then wait for 10 years for the F35s to be delivered?Why don't we build our bomb shelters now? At least we will be ready.......
Sunday, October 7, 2007
F15 for Western Australia
In a follow up to my last post about no Air Power being based in Western Australia, I have suggested the Government buy around 70 F15s to station 5 Squadrons in Western Australia for Blanket coverage of the Western Australian coast for our Air Defence. The Government believes stationing several squadrons of F/A18s in Darwin is sufficient. Soon the F/A18s are going to have their centre barrels replaced and will have less than their full complement of 71 to defend Australia. The planned retirement of the F111s should be postponed while Dr Carlo Kopp states "The claim that the proposal to buy 24 Super Hornets is to compensate for the capability gap caused by the retirement of the F-111s misrepresents the actual aim of the buy, which is to cover for the unavailability of existing F/A-18A/B model Hornets being subjected to structural repairs to remain flyable."
The Government is making several excuses as to why they are retiring the F111, yet a bit of research will prove that these are entirely excuses aimed at political shortcomings. The F111 provides Australia will unprecedented capability
Dr Kopp goes on to say "Premature retirement of the F-111 will leave the RAAF with an unprecedented capability gap in the air strike roles, of the order of 50% against the strike capability planned for in the 2000 White Paper. Assertions that the F-111 aircraft are no longer supportable either economically or technically are simply not true."
And then he makes the point that it is far more economical to keep the existing F111s and maintain them along with a buy of the F22s instead of the ill-fated JSF F35s.
Read it all.
Information on the F15 is available here, here, and here. It is certainly not the F22 (it will take quite some time to acquire the F22 anyway) but is better than nothing. If the Government wanted to be scapegoats then get us some F4 Phantoms which are currently still in service. They are a mighty fine aircraft. It is better having some form of Air Power than none at all. But saying that is not helpful when in 1941 and 1942 Wirraways went up against Zeros. None of our Air Force pilots wants to be told to fly suicide missions and we shouldn't expect them to. Our Government should learn from the lack of Air Force equipment available in World War II to us.

The Hornet is two engined fighter. Australia bought 75 of them. Because of the size of Australia's Air Force we should have bought F15s since the Hornets aren't really able to go very far. They have a range (ferry) of 1800nm whereas the F15 has a ferry range of 3000nm. A few other factors make the F15 the best aircraft when it is put up against the F/A18.
The Government is making several excuses as to why they are retiring the F111, yet a bit of research will prove that these are entirely excuses aimed at political shortcomings. The F111 provides Australia will unprecedented capability
Dr Kopp goes on to say "Premature retirement of the F-111 will leave the RAAF with an unprecedented capability gap in the air strike roles, of the order of 50% against the strike capability planned for in the 2000 White Paper. Assertions that the F-111 aircraft are no longer supportable either economically or technically are simply not true."
And then he makes the point that it is far more economical to keep the existing F111s and maintain them along with a buy of the F22s instead of the ill-fated JSF F35s.
Read it all.
Information on the F15 is available here, here, and here. It is certainly not the F22 (it will take quite some time to acquire the F22 anyway) but is better than nothing. If the Government wanted to be scapegoats then get us some F4 Phantoms which are currently still in service. They are a mighty fine aircraft. It is better having some form of Air Power than none at all. But saying that is not helpful when in 1941 and 1942 Wirraways went up against Zeros. None of our Air Force pilots wants to be told to fly suicide missions and we shouldn't expect them to. Our Government should learn from the lack of Air Force equipment available in World War II to us.
The Hornet is two engined fighter. Australia bought 75 of them. Because of the size of Australia's Air Force we should have bought F15s since the Hornets aren't really able to go very far. They have a range (ferry) of 1800nm whereas the F15 has a ferry range of 3000nm. A few other factors make the F15 the best aircraft when it is put up against the F/A18.
Perth and Western Australia suffers from lack of Air Force Firepower
RAAF Base Pearce in Western Australia is basically the only Air Force with RAAF units within range of Perth. Of these, Hawk Lead in Fighters can be armed with missiles and bombs but it is a trainer and not designated a fighter or bomber aircraft. Perth is thousands of kilometres away from the nearest squadrons that can provide Air Defence to WA. In my newest correspondence to the Defence Department I will be inquiring whether or not the RAAF should be brought up to suitable strength, otherwise a few quick sorties could totally evade our Air Force in Western Australia.
China is now attaining Aircraft Carriers and if Taiwan becomes a flash point, there is no telling what can happen since we are closer than we think.
China is now attaining Aircraft Carriers and if Taiwan becomes a flash point, there is no telling what can happen since we are closer than we think.
F111 Video
This is a video I made of an Airshow in Australia in 2005.
Includes the awesome F111, as well as the FA18s, and BAe Hawk Lead in Fighter Trainer.
It is on Youtube.
Includes the awesome F111, as well as the FA18s, and BAe Hawk Lead in Fighter Trainer.
It is on Youtube.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Support our Leaders in the War on Terror

Kokoda by Peter Fitzsimmons is an essential read though it is excellent reading all the way through. Get it if you want to know the bravery of Australians in battle, and why we deserve a suitable Air Force. This leads me on to the next book by David Day from the same time period, The Politics of War. Apart from Winston Churchill's 6 volume series on World War II, this book is probably essential for the Australian perspective as Churchill wrote from the big picture and Britain's perspective.
The web site Aussies4ANZUS should be visited by all Australians concerned with our Security, our alliance with the US and basically supporters of Australia.
Another great web site I like (Little Green Footballs deserves a mention) is Michelle Malkin, a hot Japanese American labelled a 'right winger' by those on the left who howl at her so called 'harsh' comments. Ann Coulter is far more out there but worth the humour. Ann is brilliant with her political articles on her site and the books she has written, including the great ones on Slick Willy being exposed for his Lewinsky moments!
Basically I don't have much time for the 'MainStreamMedia' known as the MSM, and that is why web sites like Camera and Honestreporting along with Frontpagemag are on my regular visit list.
F111 Web Sites of the day
Today's site of interest is F111.Net. For all information on the F111 visit that site, and of course visit Dr Carlo Kopp's web site Air Power Australia for an encyclopedia of information on Air Warfare but most importantly keeping the F111s Airborne.
Today's site of interest is F111.Net. For all information on the F111 visit that site, and of course visit Dr Carlo Kopp's web site Air Power Australia for an encyclopedia of information on Air Warfare but most importantly keeping the F111s Airborne.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Australia's Air Force in Danger

Visit Air Power Australia
Are The F111s Really Stuffed?
Tuesday 2nd October
In Australia a strong debate, although lopsided against the Government, has developed in recent years because the Government has decided to withdraw the outstanding F111s from service. This site merely provides links to the site and Government committees who have the most relevant information on the whole situation. It is extensive and very revealing of how bad the decisions have been made already, especially considering Air Force Pilots, Top Guns and gurus have come out firing on all cylinders against the Government's total incompetence on this matter.
The F111 is Australia's most superior Air Force aircraft when the realities of the Australian Continent are measured against this type of aircraft against others which do not provide a range near as good and suitable to Australia's needs as the F111 does. The current F/A18s need to be refuelled in order to go from one side of the country to the other whereas the F111 can go far beyond the F/A18's operating limits, including speed.
Australia is in danger of having even an Air Force that can resist an attack, let alone repel one. Experts believe that we are endangering Australia's security if we can not maintain an Air Force with a Strike capability (that exists in the F111 alone). The other web sites have a better analysis of the new replacement for the F111 and the F/A18s, the Joint Strike Fighter(a single engine aircraft that seems a short range carrier type and not a long range strike fighter that Australia needs).
In future weeks or months I will be providing details as to starting a petition to save the F111s and additionally grow our Air Force. If we think the US is going to remain the sole superpower for years to come now that China and India are benefitting from huge economies we are beside ourselves. Russia is projected to produce 2500 military aircraft alone before 2025. If Australia cannot operate a powerful Air Force which encompasses (not presently) the whole of Australia, we are exposing ourselves to threats where if our Army is not covered from the Air, we will become over-run by almost any Military campaign against us.
I urge you to sign the Guestbook(comments), and write your Politicians letters such as this:
Are The F111s Really Stuffed?
Tuesday 2nd October
In Australia a strong debate, although lopsided against the Government, has developed in recent years because the Government has decided to withdraw the outstanding F111s from service. This site merely provides links to the site and Government committees who have the most relevant information on the whole situation. It is extensive and very revealing of how bad the decisions have been made already, especially considering Air Force Pilots, Top Guns and gurus have come out firing on all cylinders against the Government's total incompetence on this matter.
The F111 is Australia's most superior Air Force aircraft when the realities of the Australian Continent are measured against this type of aircraft against others which do not provide a range near as good and suitable to Australia's needs as the F111 does. The current F/A18s need to be refuelled in order to go from one side of the country to the other whereas the F111 can go far beyond the F/A18's operating limits, including speed.
Australia is in danger of having even an Air Force that can resist an attack, let alone repel one. Experts believe that we are endangering Australia's security if we can not maintain an Air Force with a Strike capability (that exists in the F111 alone). The other web sites have a better analysis of the new replacement for the F111 and the F/A18s, the Joint Strike Fighter(a single engine aircraft that seems a short range carrier type and not a long range strike fighter that Australia needs).
In future weeks or months I will be providing details as to starting a petition to save the F111s and additionally grow our Air Force. If we think the US is going to remain the sole superpower for years to come now that China and India are benefitting from huge economies we are beside ourselves. Russia is projected to produce 2500 military aircraft alone before 2025. If Australia cannot operate a powerful Air Force which encompasses (not presently) the whole of Australia, we are exposing ourselves to threats where if our Army is not covered from the Air, we will become over-run by almost any Military campaign against us.
I urge you to sign the Guestbook(comments), and write your Politicians letters such as this:
Dear Minister of Defence,
We are proud of Australia's fighting heritage, but it is very disturbing that we as a Nation are operating an Air Force far below suitable strength. At this I also see decisions that have been made by the Department of Defence and the Australian Government as being very complacent and alarming towards our Air Superiority.
Please heed the experts, keep the F111s and buy F22 Fighters which have 2 engines. Please expand our Air Force so we can counter offensives and Strike threats that may exist in the very near future from our Northern neighbors or those in the Northern Hemisphere who can reach Australia (including Russia).
Yours Sincerely,
See the NEW Government Report on Regional Air Superiority which is the most up to date document with relevance to all experts as well as all the submissions by the experts which deem the Government incompetent in Defense, in actual fact the Department of Defense which is putting our National Security in terms of vital Air Power at grave risk.
Do the maths:
Experts agree that the F111 fleet provides around 50% of the RAAF’s total strike firepower, so when you see how many F111s Australia has got compared to the F/A18s, you will soon realize that Australia has an excellent asset in the F111 and will not be replaced. The 26 F111s compared to the 71 F/A18s measure the huge potential Australia has in the F111s strike range and load carrying ability.
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