Thursday, November 29, 2007
The Global Warming Fear Scam
Here is a bunch of real scientists disposing of the Global Warming myths often made out to be true in all the mass media, or otherwise known as Main Stream Media (MSM).
Julia Gillard Australia's First Ever Woman (Proxy) Prime Minister
Here is where the deception starts. Labor wants to install a woman as Prime Minister, and what better way to do it than by making her a proxy?
Labor's secret leftist agenda is slowly being revealed.
Labor's secret leftist agenda is slowly being revealed.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Rise of Middle Eastern Crime In Australia
Here you can study very important affairs to what is happening in NSW regarding the 'friendly' Lebanese population. If this happened in the days of the ANZACS they would all be dead!
Aborigines Want Justice-But What About the Victim?
The family of a high on drugs criminal which committed a home invasion wants justice because he had a heart attack after being arrested by Police. Maybe he shouldn't have been using drugs? Or at least he should have been in jail already or not committing a crime?
This is typical of those who wish to blame the Police for their criminal behaviour. Same as the Aborigines in Redfern several years ago which sparked riots (Redfern Riots) and other riots in Sydney because of 'Police involvement'. Shame that, the police were only doing their job.
The Cronulla Riots are the most famous since the Police had actually done very little and the community at large, that is, the law abiding community, went on the rampage. Although Policing has become so soft and politically correct, nothing will appease the left police haters/anarchists.
A good article about the Cronulla Riots is here.
This is typical of those who wish to blame the Police for their criminal behaviour. Same as the Aborigines in Redfern several years ago which sparked riots (Redfern Riots) and other riots in Sydney because of 'Police involvement'. Shame that, the police were only doing their job.
The Cronulla Riots are the most famous since the Police had actually done very little and the community at large, that is, the law abiding community, went on the rampage. Although Policing has become so soft and politically correct, nothing will appease the left police haters/anarchists.
A good article about the Cronulla Riots is here.
Labor going Left as Usual
As usual Kevin Rudd, the new Prime Minister elect of Australia, is going to do all the trendy lefty things that they do, just to feel good about themselves of course.
They will 'soften' the intervention in the Northern Territory (means no more bans on alcohol, although many Aborigine women want the bans), say 'sorry' to 'Indigenous Australians' once again deepening the divide between them and us, those being the dole bludgers and us being the tax payers. They will sign the Kyoto protocol, although we have excellent environmental standars in this country and China doesn't, although China's pollution is so bad Australia signing the Kyoto 'feel good' protocol won't really do anything.
Saying that Labor needs to consider building Nuclear reactors if it is genuinely concerned, or at least start down that path getting good safety regulations set up for an industry which should be in Australia by 2020. The Liberals being pro-deregulation aren't much chop at setting up regulatory bodies, then Labor aren't very fast with their bureaucracy and leftist style which is totally not innovative. Lacking ideas as such, their education revolution is just about giving laptops and creating non-full fee university places, as well as building trade training centres at each high school across the country. Isn't education about learning? Oh I forgot, it is time to spend spend spend since the economy is so good and the Government debt isn't out of control since Labor just took the reigns.........
One last thing, Gough Whitlam ended the death penalty (Federal, among other disastrous acts) when he was in power, after more than 20 years of Liberal Government. Now isn't that a lefty feel good trademark for you? Labor has such a soft policy on crime that they will close down jails tomorrow if they could. Maybe a room at the Hyatt for a few nights if you commit murder? Human rights you know......
Yes yes Labor will have us living in a police state, cameras will be everywhere. They will know who done what. And criminals will get a free vacation for their trouble.
They will 'soften' the intervention in the Northern Territory (means no more bans on alcohol, although many Aborigine women want the bans), say 'sorry' to 'Indigenous Australians' once again deepening the divide between them and us, those being the dole bludgers and us being the tax payers. They will sign the Kyoto protocol, although we have excellent environmental standars in this country and China doesn't, although China's pollution is so bad Australia signing the Kyoto 'feel good' protocol won't really do anything.
Saying that Labor needs to consider building Nuclear reactors if it is genuinely concerned, or at least start down that path getting good safety regulations set up for an industry which should be in Australia by 2020. The Liberals being pro-deregulation aren't much chop at setting up regulatory bodies, then Labor aren't very fast with their bureaucracy and leftist style which is totally not innovative. Lacking ideas as such, their education revolution is just about giving laptops and creating non-full fee university places, as well as building trade training centres at each high school across the country. Isn't education about learning? Oh I forgot, it is time to spend spend spend since the economy is so good and the Government debt isn't out of control since Labor just took the reigns.........
One last thing, Gough Whitlam ended the death penalty (Federal, among other disastrous acts) when he was in power, after more than 20 years of Liberal Government. Now isn't that a lefty feel good trademark for you? Labor has such a soft policy on crime that they will close down jails tomorrow if they could. Maybe a room at the Hyatt for a few nights if you commit murder? Human rights you know......
Yes yes Labor will have us living in a police state, cameras will be everywhere. They will know who done what. And criminals will get a free vacation for their trouble.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
Vietnam War Book Lists
Since reading Ann Coulter's 'Treason' I have been searching for unbiased accounts of the Vietnam War (where the author refuses to paint the US as evil and the North Vietnamese as the aggrieved and victims). Here are some book lists where you will find these kinds of books. I would not bother reading hate-America books myself since I am not a Jihadist or a US-hater. But those who are don't need to read the books on that list as it may not give them the satisfaction they want from reading lies(especially about the USA).
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Australian Labor Party Defeat Howard Government
Tonight Australia has had a successful election where a change of Government occurred. No shots were fired in anger or groups celebrated in the streets with their AK47 machine guns like they do in terrorist controlled areas of the Middle East. Also Iraq is well on the way to being a successful democracy, and Australia can also help Iraq as many people wish to live peaceful lives there as we do here in Australia. We appreciate our democracy so we can also help those which wish to appreciate theirs.
Also the ending of one of the greatest political careers comes as the Prime Minister (many quoted as saying PM John Howard was Australia's best ever) looks like he has lost his seat by the narrowest of margins. The extreme left-wing organization 'Get-Up' can be thanked for ending the career of one of Australia's favourite Prime Ministers.
John Howard was a conservative and he was extremely well spoken, a great statesman which we may never see the likes of again. Thank you Prime Minister John Howard.
The biggest question is will we see a change of direction from new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Defence? I hope the only change is to build a stronger and more capable Air Force.
Also the ending of one of the greatest political careers comes as the Prime Minister (many quoted as saying PM John Howard was Australia's best ever) looks like he has lost his seat by the narrowest of margins. The extreme left-wing organization 'Get-Up' can be thanked for ending the career of one of Australia's favourite Prime Ministers.
John Howard was a conservative and he was extremely well spoken, a great statesman which we may never see the likes of again. Thank you Prime Minister John Howard.
The biggest question is will we see a change of direction from new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Defence? I hope the only change is to build a stronger and more capable Air Force.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
RNAF a JOKE and We Will be a Joke if Labor Wins Here Too!
Anyone can walk into New Zealand right now if they wanted to. You just need something to outmanouever those P-3C Orions which carry sidewinders! If they do get taken over I hope the US charges them a mint to come their aid since they are so anti-Nuclear, anti-US and all!
Go to this site and see what the left does (disarm) to a country when it has the chance.
Labour=Disarmament, not MAINTAINING NATIONAL SECURITY! God I am surprised Labour can even spell 'security'!
Go to this site and see what the left does (disarm) to a country when it has the chance.
Labour=Disarmament, not MAINTAINING NATIONAL SECURITY! God I am surprised Labour can even spell 'security'!
Royal New Zealand Air Force
I just had an idea. Australia should replace the old Legacy Hornets now with all Super Hornets (while we also get heaps of new F15s!) and then tell New Zealand to pull their weight and take our F/A-18s. Sounds good since New Zealand doesn't even have an Air Force! What happened to their A4s we gave them? If New Zealand don't want them we will just make 'peace' with them by making them offer us the South Island. Hey, most of them live on the North Island and we will be doing them a favour! At least if anyone invades them we can quickly take all the refugees to the South Island so they have Air Protection!
Michelle Malkin Rocks!
Michelle Malkin Rocks!
Reactivate RAAF Butterworth into a Forward Air Defence Base
RAAF Butterworth is one of Australia's most highly prized assets. Although mainly a Malaysian Air Base now, Australia is partnering with the Malaysian Air Force to train them here in Australia. We should take full advantage and forward deploy units (we haven't got any!! is 92 Wing still there?) to Butterworth.
China -No ThanksGiving!
The Chinese Government obviously didn't mind playing games with US Navy Thanksgiving celebrations this week. They are acting like little babies. Boycott the Olympics I say!
They even rubbed it in by changing their position and 'allowing' the USS Kitty Hawk into Hong Kong so families could be re-united. Oops, China still has a problem with Hong Kong being democratic and independent........ also Taiwan, Tibet AND the USA!!
They even rubbed it in by changing their position and 'allowing' the USS Kitty Hawk into Hong Kong so families could be re-united. Oops, China still has a problem with Hong Kong being democratic and independent........ also Taiwan, Tibet AND the USA!!
Other Countries which Operate the F/A18 Hornet
And currently no country has any plans to buy the unwanted Super Hornet, though it would be an ideal replacement for Canada and Switzerland which operate the legacy Hornet.
Canada bought 138 Hornets, designed as a replacement for the Awesome and still flying F4-Phantoms. The US Navy acquired the Hornets to replace the Phantoms. The F4 Phantom was and still is an awesome flying machine, with one Japanese expert (In Japan they have many F-1, F-2 and F-4 aircraft) relating to me of the next great design after the F-4 being ditched for the F/A18.
As always in the West we seem to be slipping in performance while going for intelligence and technology. With September 11th I think the terrorist proved technology alone is no saviour. Someone wake up.
The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) liked the Phantoms so much they wanted them, when they were on-loan to Australia in 1970-1973 due to problems with the F111s. Many F-4s still fly today. Japan, Israel, Greece and Germany are current operators. The USAF continues to operate QF-4s as target drones (what a waste!).
Canada bought 138 Hornets, designed as a replacement for the Awesome and still flying F4-Phantoms. The US Navy acquired the Hornets to replace the Phantoms. The F4 Phantom was and still is an awesome flying machine, with one Japanese expert (In Japan they have many F-1, F-2 and F-4 aircraft) relating to me of the next great design after the F-4 being ditched for the F/A18.
As always in the West we seem to be slipping in performance while going for intelligence and technology. With September 11th I think the terrorist proved technology alone is no saviour. Someone wake up.
The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) liked the Phantoms so much they wanted them, when they were on-loan to Australia in 1970-1973 due to problems with the F111s. Many F-4s still fly today. Japan, Israel, Greece and Germany are current operators. The USAF continues to operate QF-4s as target drones (what a waste!).
Labor Will Disarm Australia!
Courtesy of the Defence Minister, Labor will enact its 'secret' disarmament policies if elected this Saturday. I did look at the ALP Policies, but found little to no substance apart from following the Coalition Government and criticizing their policies. Although the Minister doesn't realize the F15 is better for Australia than the Super Hornet and the F22 than the JSF F35, I still think John Howard is a safer bet than a Rudd Government.
Kevin Rudd and the Labor Party as a whole has no clear direction for Australia and especially with the issue of welfare abuse, the leftists (Labor) are refusing to pay attention except to say no Government intervention in the N.T. . In the long term we need to cease the welfare state, but we need to get there with reforms. Does Rudd intend to do this? Um, maybe he will educate the natives on superior brewing techniques (with laptops mind you!) as part of his education revolution. I wonder how much Mao and Stalinist theory will be required to be in the curriculum?
The news item below about Labor 'pushing' to buy the F22 has no credence, especially in the Defence Policy of Labor. It is all too convenient to scream 'blue murder' at the time, like Mr Rudd does his "Me too", but when required to act, the game will have changed.
Labor intends to 'engage' the South Pacific 'Rim of Fire' by setting up a new Stalinist indoctrination complex. Instead of using force where necessary, Labor wants to try leftist 'non-aggression'.
Robert McClelland, the ALP's Shadow Defence Minister, seems to me to be pro-disarmament, contrasting Kim Beazley's 'call to arms' policy similar to Churchill. Even with Beazley with Defence Minister, funding was cut. With this guy, he may just hand over all the ADF's equipment to Indonesia as a gesture of 'good will'. Poor Singapore, a much higher defence budget than Australia (per capita), and with Labor at the helm will probably see itself as the new Strategic Superpower in the region.
With both Parties offering little vision for our Air Force, it seems that the current Government, who last under saw the purchase of new fighter aircraft for Australia (early 1980s), can only be trusted with this. What a shame we didn't get the F15 though, a true Air Superiority fighter. The F15E can also do Air-Ground. But fly it with an F111 on missions both can perform deep strike mission duties, but the F15 would be ideal for covering the F111 on its deep strike.
Labor is not intent on having a direction for our Military (or ADF as we call it, Australian Defence Forces-the best form of Defence is Attack though!) and since the likes of Beazley, Hawke and Keating are no longer, and have no similar identities in the current radical left makeup of Labor, we will lose out on Defence altogether, if Labor get elected. My prediction though is that the Coalition will be re-elected.
If Australia voted the Labor Government in, it will be the first time Labor has a major stranglehold in Australia on all State and Federal Governments. I can't see this happening at the present time, as Prime Minister John Howard is still quite popular.
One can only hope Peter Costello will make some good decisions on Defence once he takes Office. He will be a truly legendary Prime Minister for Australia. John Howard has been and is too, at last making some good changes in Industrial Relations. But it all started with that, thanks to Union militarism. Even today at construction sites we see the CFMEU flying their Scottish flags. Keep 'em flying boys, you help remind Australia why PM John Howard is there.
Visit Air Power Australia for more information on Australian Air Power, its importance and needs we have.
Kevin Rudd and the Labor Party as a whole has no clear direction for Australia and especially with the issue of welfare abuse, the leftists (Labor) are refusing to pay attention except to say no Government intervention in the N.T. . In the long term we need to cease the welfare state, but we need to get there with reforms. Does Rudd intend to do this? Um, maybe he will educate the natives on superior brewing techniques (with laptops mind you!) as part of his education revolution. I wonder how much Mao and Stalinist theory will be required to be in the curriculum?
The news item below about Labor 'pushing' to buy the F22 has no credence, especially in the Defence Policy of Labor. It is all too convenient to scream 'blue murder' at the time, like Mr Rudd does his "Me too", but when required to act, the game will have changed.
Labor intends to 'engage' the South Pacific 'Rim of Fire' by setting up a new Stalinist indoctrination complex. Instead of using force where necessary, Labor wants to try leftist 'non-aggression'.
Robert McClelland, the ALP's Shadow Defence Minister, seems to me to be pro-disarmament, contrasting Kim Beazley's 'call to arms' policy similar to Churchill. Even with Beazley with Defence Minister, funding was cut. With this guy, he may just hand over all the ADF's equipment to Indonesia as a gesture of 'good will'. Poor Singapore, a much higher defence budget than Australia (per capita), and with Labor at the helm will probably see itself as the new Strategic Superpower in the region.
With both Parties offering little vision for our Air Force, it seems that the current Government, who last under saw the purchase of new fighter aircraft for Australia (early 1980s), can only be trusted with this. What a shame we didn't get the F15 though, a true Air Superiority fighter. The F15E can also do Air-Ground. But fly it with an F111 on missions both can perform deep strike mission duties, but the F15 would be ideal for covering the F111 on its deep strike.
Labor is not intent on having a direction for our Military (or ADF as we call it, Australian Defence Forces-the best form of Defence is Attack though!) and since the likes of Beazley, Hawke and Keating are no longer, and have no similar identities in the current radical left makeup of Labor, we will lose out on Defence altogether, if Labor get elected. My prediction though is that the Coalition will be re-elected.
If Australia voted the Labor Government in, it will be the first time Labor has a major stranglehold in Australia on all State and Federal Governments. I can't see this happening at the present time, as Prime Minister John Howard is still quite popular.
One can only hope Peter Costello will make some good decisions on Defence once he takes Office. He will be a truly legendary Prime Minister for Australia. John Howard has been and is too, at last making some good changes in Industrial Relations. But it all started with that, thanks to Union militarism. Even today at construction sites we see the CFMEU flying their Scottish flags. Keep 'em flying boys, you help remind Australia why PM John Howard is there.
Visit Air Power Australia for more information on Australian Air Power, its importance and needs we have.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Australia 'Increasing' Spending on Defence but will soon be Impotent
The Department od Defence's response to the TV program mentioned in the last post has been countered by expert Dr Carlo Kopp who brings up the following, yet extremely worrying information which reveals the impotent direction of our Military.
"The Boeing St Louis plan to sell Super Hornets to Australia (Project ARCHANGEL) has been in play since 1998. In 2003, Defence was directed by the then Minister for Defence, the Hon Senator Robert Hill, to effectively ‘cease and desist’ from considering an interim fighter solution.
In 2004, the Chief of the Air Force (CAF) stated that the F-111 would not be retired until all major capability projects supporting the RAAF Air Combat Capability were completed and in service. These projects included the AEW&C aircraft, the New Air Refuel Tankers, the Hornet Upgrade (HUG) Program, and the Weapons Improvement Programs.
On page 147 of the Defence Annual Report (DAR) published at the end of calendar year 2004, the following statement may be found:
“The decision to retire the F111 aircraft around 2010 was announced during the year. To ensure the maintenance of strike capability, the Government announced that retirement of the F111 was dependent on the successful introduction into service of airborne early warning and control and A330 tanker aircraft, completion of the F/A18 upgrade, and the introduction of improved weapons and long-range stand-off weapons for P3 Orion and F/A18 Hornet aircraft.”
In 2005 and 2006, the Chief of Defence Force (CDF), the new CAF, the Deputy Chief of the Air Force (DCAF), the NACC Program Office and the Office of the Minister for Defence repeated this statement though without any reference to arming the P-3 Orion with long range stand-off weapons notable by its absence."
If we are going to use the PC-3 Orions to carry stand-off weapons, then why are we getting the F111s retired for? Maybe we should just get some 737s and arm them with cruise missiles. At least the need for stealth is not there since Defence want to arm the PC-3s, which don't have the ground radar which enables low flying missions which the F111 performs. Aren't the PC-3s 'sub-hunters'? Maybe not, since Defence's needs change daily depending how much money they need for the JSF. Since the US has cut its JSF order in half, we might need to retire the F-18s since its costing too much to replace their centre barrels. (The F111s have superior airframes compared to the dud Hornets!) Ahhhhhhhhh, at least we will have the 24 Super Hornets, and the new KC-30 (Airbus) tankers.
Even Singapore has a bigger Air Force than us!
"The Boeing St Louis plan to sell Super Hornets to Australia (Project ARCHANGEL) has been in play since 1998. In 2003, Defence was directed by the then Minister for Defence, the Hon Senator Robert Hill, to effectively ‘cease and desist’ from considering an interim fighter solution.
In 2004, the Chief of the Air Force (CAF) stated that the F-111 would not be retired until all major capability projects supporting the RAAF Air Combat Capability were completed and in service. These projects included the AEW&C aircraft, the New Air Refuel Tankers, the Hornet Upgrade (HUG) Program, and the Weapons Improvement Programs.
On page 147 of the Defence Annual Report (DAR) published at the end of calendar year 2004, the following statement may be found:
“The decision to retire the F111 aircraft around 2010 was announced during the year. To ensure the maintenance of strike capability, the Government announced that retirement of the F111 was dependent on the successful introduction into service of airborne early warning and control and A330 tanker aircraft, completion of the F/A18 upgrade, and the introduction of improved weapons and long-range stand-off weapons for P3 Orion and F/A18 Hornet aircraft.”
In 2005 and 2006, the Chief of Defence Force (CDF), the new CAF, the Deputy Chief of the Air Force (DCAF), the NACC Program Office and the Office of the Minister for Defence repeated this statement though without any reference to arming the P-3 Orion with long range stand-off weapons notable by its absence."
If we are going to use the PC-3 Orions to carry stand-off weapons, then why are we getting the F111s retired for? Maybe we should just get some 737s and arm them with cruise missiles. At least the need for stealth is not there since Defence want to arm the PC-3s, which don't have the ground radar which enables low flying missions which the F111 performs. Aren't the PC-3s 'sub-hunters'? Maybe not, since Defence's needs change daily depending how much money they need for the JSF. Since the US has cut its JSF order in half, we might need to retire the F-18s since its costing too much to replace their centre barrels. (The F111s have superior airframes compared to the dud Hornets!) Ahhhhhhhhh, at least we will have the 24 Super Hornets, and the new KC-30 (Airbus) tankers.
Even Singapore has a bigger Air Force than us!
Flying Blind at ELP's War PIGs
ELP's War PIGs
The Four Corners TV show about the 'Australian (Air Superiority) Security Complex' we suffer from here in Australia. Like a short and skinny runt we seek to 'become invisible' with the F-35. Um, if the bullies see us we are stuffed...........
And as usual no Politician in Australia (apart from Dr Denis Jensen who the Liberals wanted to get rid of at one stage) cares about an Air Force, even though it is 62 years since the end of World War II.
Many Australians think we 'suck up to the Yanks' but you never hear these Aussies winging about the pathetic size of our Army and most importantly Air Force. They don't care. They only start shaking in their boots when they realize we really do need to start sucking up to the Yanks. Why don't we think with vision and build an Air Force with a similar capability of Israel and Japan? They have far superior F15s! My God, we are using 'US Navy' F18 Hornets. They look and sound nice but will only proove usable on Aussie or Yankie Aircraft Carriers.
Check out the Four Corners post on Eric's site, the links to watch the TV show are all there.
The Four Corners TV show about the 'Australian (Air Superiority) Security Complex' we suffer from here in Australia. Like a short and skinny runt we seek to 'become invisible' with the F-35. Um, if the bullies see us we are stuffed...........
And as usual no Politician in Australia (apart from Dr Denis Jensen who the Liberals wanted to get rid of at one stage) cares about an Air Force, even though it is 62 years since the end of World War II.
Many Australians think we 'suck up to the Yanks' but you never hear these Aussies winging about the pathetic size of our Army and most importantly Air Force. They don't care. They only start shaking in their boots when they realize we really do need to start sucking up to the Yanks. Why don't we think with vision and build an Air Force with a similar capability of Israel and Japan? They have far superior F15s! My God, we are using 'US Navy' F18 Hornets. They look and sound nice but will only proove usable on Aussie or Yankie Aircraft Carriers.
Check out the Four Corners post on Eric's site, the links to watch the TV show are all there.
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