Friday, December 28, 2007

Funny of the Day

Australian Labor Government plans to build 3 SSBNs in order to counter the whaling threat by Japan. Fish numbers are getting low because of whales eating too much fish (actually too many whales eating too few fish) and Australia is getting cranky with Japan because Japan didn't tell Australia that whales eat fish. Just like the environmentalists never told us we could control the climate, just we could do something to feel good about the global warming whilst blaming capitalist and evil USA for everything....

Australia says that if Japan dares to kill one of the whales that tourists love here in Australia every year, then Australia will launch a few ballistic missiles on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, just to teach 'em a lesson. Good on you Australia for saving some fish-eating whales. Now where are all the fish gone?

Last week Australia torpedoed 4 whaling ships with Australian whales on board. 3 days later 3 Japanese F-15 Eagles and 4 F22s sank 2 Australian Navy Frigates in retaliation. Australia had retired the F111s and will send a high level Jihadist to Tokyo to threaten them with Islamic suicide bombing and aggression unless the Japanese stop their whaling and surrender to Al-Qaeda.

David Hicks will instruct the special suicide bomber on terrorist tactics to make sure Australia has an excellent chance to retaliate against the whale hunters.

Since Australia pulled out of Afghanistan 1 year ago, the Aussies have been patrolling for 'whaling aggressors' in its Southern waters. Several thousand Australian troops were deployed to the Antarctic to protect Polar Bears and to be on the lookout for whale hunters. Several aging F18 Hornets were posted to the Ice as well. Since then the Japanese have managed to bomb Darwin a dozen times, reminiscent of 1942.

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