Monday, January 28, 2008

Israeli Videos History

At there is a great video section on the history of Israel's conflicts. All I can say is, wow!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Lead To Be Exported Through Fremantle: Courtesy Your Friendly Local Labor Government

Not even Sodium Cyanide goes through Fremantle! As a former freight train-locomotive driver I have vast experience in the logistics of the transport of dangerous goods, and the danger posed to the local community through the lack of monitoring by a 'rail regulator'. Not only this, but privatized railways have been allowed to get away with murder since there inception in this country. Capitalism and privatization are not wrong, the companies just need to be policed like anyone else, and they are not 'above the law' like some people want them to be, or paid to make them be.
I guess the railways who have had made massive breaches have not been fined. I reported Australian Railroad Group for a flange that was totally broken (it was so sharp and it was being used on mainline 110 km/hr dangerous goods trains) to the 'rail regulator', but the only action taken was a 24 hour order to measure their flanges.
The problem is like anything else, we are being too soft. If we had sufficient deterrents in place this kind of absolute negligence would not happen.
I have also written to the Labor Politicians concerning the approach to tail lights on trains by the same company, yet these 'Politicians' do not wish to do anything unless they are 'forced' to. Unfortunately most Politicians are University qualified and have no idea what really goes on.
Lead needs to be transported in pellet form (like Nickel) and should not be allowed to be moved in a powdered form. Of course, you can trust Labor to put people's lives at risk, especially on the day when the Liberal Party has their most dark and dramatic day in history in WA.

WA Liberals Still Out of Touch

Mr Buswell was elected leader of the Opposition by the Liberals in State Parliament. There is alot of derision within the party and if there is to be a competitive Opposition, it is going to need some excellent policies with a great leader and remain supportive of one another(all 3 of these requirements are currently out the door). Many here On the West Coast of Australia didn't approve (they dislike him!) of Troy Buswell. But Mr Johnson of Hillarys has extensive support. He is very popular with the voting bloc and if he or someone else I cannot name yet, becomes the new Opposition Leader, there will most probably be a change of Government at the next election. For one, Buswell seems a fool and is not a people's man. Mr Johnson on the other hand has experience, extensive wisdom, good leadership skills, is well liked, and is competent at speaking out against the current Labor State Government. Unlike the Buswell side, we see Mr Johnson and his side really opposing the daftness of the stupidity of the Labor Government. But Alan Carpentar is not going to be easily beaten. So the WA Liberals are in dreamland if they think Buswell is a good choice. They are in dreamland, and they obviously give preference to internal politics instead of the main battle.

Mr Johnson highlights the misdemeanors of those in Government. He also has the skills necessary and the tough approach to law and order (in favor of capital punishment) to get huge support of the voting public behind him. More to come on this topic. Trevor Sprigg's death was not in vain, I hope.

Read The West Australian's Saturday article on this new 'leader'.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

China's Cold War on USA

The Chinese are not the 'detente' type. They are pushing the US to a confrontation. Since 2001 we have witnessed fighter jets harrassing US aircraft.
Here explains more.

Western Australian Liberals Dramatic Dark Day in History

I clearly doubt the WA Liberals have an idea of what the community is saying. It's internal politics is ruining everything and I while Mr Sprigg died at almost exactly the same time as the scheduled time for the vote on the leadership, I believe it is a sign from God that we need some integral leaders. Rob Johnson has my support, but, I believe another man with more charisma and the ability to get into the issue (not like Buswell) will do it. I know him and will hopefully lay out the reasons (most of what the community feels) on why and how the State election can be won by the Liberals. The Liberals respect him and will have to take direction from him in order to stay focused and stable. I won't mention any more than that, except to say that Mr Sprigg's death was a clear sign that I needed to act because it indicates that we will pay dearly for 4 more years of Labor in WA. Under Richard Court we were doing well. Then we got the likes of Dorazio who was softening the laws on driving without a licence (that is no jail time) and driving without a licence at the same time. Not many people actually clicked on that one.
This guy was Police Minister, and he was making the law for himself. No wonder we are seeing a scattering of the Police (used up by babysitting for drunk Aboriginals in country towns--courtesy of the taxpayer and Socialist Australia).
All I can say is if you think graffiti is a criminal problem now, and this Government has no effective way to deal with them due to their leftist 'relativism', then we will see much worse in the 4 years.
We live in a great state, don't let your socialist views project crime onto the stage as it happened in New York City, where it needed to be cleaned up.
Let's build a 5000 person prison. Lets get tough on criminals. Why? Because it is right, that is why.
I believe the reason for the mess is that the Liberals didn't choose the right leader. This man died 'on the way' as his main supporter, but I suspect it is a sign from Heaven.

Also this:

Tragedy, triumph and turmoil in Liberal land

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Union Totalitarianism Let Loose in Australia Once Again

The Liberals were right. John Howard was right. (Wall to wall Labor, Unions running the show)
With a Rudd Labor Government (and all Labor State Governments) who could have guessed Unions are already dictating Government policy. The Labor representatives are (a lot of them) ex-Unionists, and some of them remain members.
Now the student Union movement wishes to unfairly gain power over others by forcing them to become members, again. Under John Howard this policy was removed, so student unions were voluntary. Why should it be compulsory? There is no choice in that......

Read it here.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

So you Would like to be a Pilot?

Well there are several free flight simulators available to the PC over several operating systems, like Windows and Linux. One of them which is not free, Microsoft's Flight Simulator (there are many versions, the latest being FSX which I do not have), is a popular format, but unfortunately does not include much flexibility for military type operations in its engine.
But civil air operations are simulated well with many, many payware products available. Teach your son and daughter how to fly a 400 tonne Boeing 747 (or like me get behind the yoke on the massive Twin engined 777, which was co-designed by Qantas pilots) with the payware (and several freeware like Ifly 747 available at Avsim) simulating the navigation systems and flight computers which must be pre-programmed before pushback.
Flight Simulation has reached new heights, it is so real compared to the first flight simulator ever released by Microsoft. Flying isn't so hard if you know what you are doing. The real work comes in to knowing the aircraft you are flying and navigating it (by using the FMC-Flight Management Computer). Quite often pilots with little or no Instrument Flying Qualifications end up dead because they flew into cloud or bad weather, or worse, night time, when they shouldn't. Airmanship involves discipline which is a major factor in safety for aviation. The pilots with bad discipline are always on radar, and often end up dead or with huge investigations over their heads.
A Cathay Pacific pilot once said to me (I have experienced the same shift work these guys are subjected to) they wouldn't dare recommend this type of work to their children. Not only the shift work, but the family life, and the extreme responsibility which is needed for a top airline like Cathay, is very tiring and if a pilot attains more than 20 years service with such an airline, I would be very surprised. Only the young, bright and sharp, ex-Air Force pilots (Canada, British, Australian and American) are able to handle the extreme demands of life as a pilot in the airline industry with Cathay.
I regard Cathay as the best airline (with Emirates, Singapore and Qantas coming 2nd) in the world, but to be the best sacrifices are always necessary.......

Visit Avsim for interesting simulation experience in Microsoft's simulation.

Iran Air Flight 655

A very interesting incident after an accident (do we know what really happened, though?) in the Persian Gulf. After this aircraft went down, a number of actions occurred between Iran and US Navy vessels in the Gulf.

This is basically the only 'fight' that US forces have had before the War on Terror and after Libya. Iraq was in the Gulf, but it did not involve offensive Naval or Air Forces in significant quantities to concern them.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Tiger Force and Phoenix and the Birds of Prey: Counterinsurgency and Counterterrorism in Vietnam

A friend has shared some information gleaned from the book Tiger Force, US soldiers in Vietnam on special ops duties who were basically independent. Maybe I will get a review from my friend on this book, I cannot say if it is biased or not. What I will say is the next book I recommend, Phoenix and the Birds of Prey: Counterinsurgency and Counterterrorism in Vietnam, is quite balanced as its author has researched it extensively and provides inside details into the legendary 'Phoenix' program. I actually know nothing of it, but it looks extremely interesting and looks like it will be an exciting read.

Blue Lanyard Red Banner

This is a book by an Aussie digger who served in Vietnam. These boys had it tough, almost as tough as those who served in World War II.

This is a book I am halfway through reading and it is very detailed on the particular operation in January 1966, Operation CRIMP. An interesting operational perspective of these events in the war, rather than a media account.

If they went over the border into the North and did this, fighting an aggressive war instead of a 'defensive war', the US may have made inroads into preventing the North from running a hugely successful propaganda war against US and Australian Governments who caved in due to revolutionary left wing movements establishing strongholds in the West.

Unions are a Totalitarian Ideology

Not only do I think Unions are greedy (I was quoted many time today from the new Union Rep at work that only members will get more money) and have no respect for the law, but they are totalitarian in their ideology.
Let me explain.
If the law allowed it, Unions would force workers to join, as they did in the past, until John Howard finally came along and gave us the choice to be in a Union or not. This is one of the greatest legacies of the Liberal Government of John Howard and Peter Costello.
Nowadays Unions cannot force themselves on people who do not want to be a part of their bullying (or 'representation'). I for one know that if I need a Union, I would be admitting I am weak and need assistance, akin to some guys asking for mom in a fight. Next time the Union has a meeting I will invite them to Church to sing God's praises instead of their own calls for more money. What we need is more generosity, not more greed, and Unions will lift inflation if they simply keep asking for a wage rise every time a new agreement comes along.
If Unions had any care for the economy, they would see their errors. As far as I am concerned, I don't work for a Union, so why should I have anything to do with them. You can choose to be a victim or a person who makes their own choices by continue to work for the dollar promised by your company or business. Be happy with what you have got, that was Grandmother's saying.

And for a final word, I am employed by someone. If I need to go to someone else to 'represent' me, aren't I being a little childish? I am able to stand up for myself, and if you need a Union, you should be in Church praying for strength from God to do just that, and not at a Union meeting.

God told me to leave the Union about 7 years ago. I obeyed and I what I saw was staggering. My eyes were opened to new revelation. It was a positive life experience where I believe God was showing me a new and better way. The Jews know this (and that is why many dislike them) and because they put it into action, they are more successful than many others in the marketplace. It all comes down to understanding really. Without any (understanding) you don't have a clue. I am sure glad I have that understanding so I can move ahead in life. I am thankful to God for this.

F15s Option For Australia

From The Australian:

Reversing these mistakes may well involve break fees of substantial sums of money, perhaps well north of $1billion. But it's better not to send good money after bad. So, for example, scrap the heavy, slow, $6billion F-16 (should be F-18 - ed) Super Hornet project now and pay the break fee if necessary. Either find a way to keep the F-111s going or, if that's truly not possible, buy F-15s (perhaps the South Korean version) which can match the new generation Russian Sukhois being bought widely in our region. And fight as hard as possible to get the F-22 Raptor air-superiority aircraft rather than the Joint Strike Fighter.

The F15s are an excellent way to make Australia's Air Force Superior. The F15 is a true Air Superiority Fighter. Flown alongside the F111s Australia will be as feared as the United States and Singapore in our region alone.

Read the whole article here.

My Strategy for a Safer Western Australia-Traffic Enforcement

I have said on 6PR Radio that we need to jail people who drive without a licence or P platers driving stupidly or speeding. Of course Labor Party thinking and strategy opposes this (as well as the death penalty) but obviously unless we take balanced action, we will reap the dividends of our policies.
Many will be shocked at these comments, but I assure you, a lout locked up for DD with no licence is not going to kill an innocent driver, and in the last 6 months alone we have seen far too many innocent people being killed. A far more effective ideology for dealing with dangerous road issues like someone who drink drives is to jail them compared to banning guns in the community. You can ban guns but bad guys will find them somehow. If you jail the bad guys how can they shoot anyone in prison, where they are under supervision?
And Labor will rather spend money on 'popular' rail lines than bother spending anything on jails or prisons. Of course the public are more interested in policing and public health, but that is proving to be the most ineffective strategy since the soft treatment in the Justice system is allowing violent offenders bail and early release. Unless Western Australians determine to find a good strategy to keep them behind bars until they hate it, or live with it, there is going to be little change in the community. The strategy that is needed is one that lets the prisoner understand clearly that he is being punished, not reformed, and secondly, reform is only an option to the prisoner. Reform should be only given as prizes to those who display a sincerity while behind bars that will ensure they are willing to go through a thorough reform process. If reform is 'given', it should only be given after the full term of a sentence. Parole needs to be binned until we can develop a 'home parole system, where a prisoner can live out of the main prison in a 'home' for the parole duration. Whilst in Parole Supervision needs to be given until the last 12 months. This will prove whether the prisoner will be willing to return to society or not, and if at the end of a parole period, the prisoner displays behaviour that shows they will not be able to respect others, then the prisoner will return to jail to serve the time he stayed in a 'home' whilst trying to get set to re-enter the community. Parole should never be an 'early-release', we need to change this and make sure it stays changed.
The main focus here is to get hard. Clearly by research it is possible to understand that many deaths in WA have occurred because we have not detained the person (or the Justice system let them out). Whether this be for traffic offenders (leading to fatals) or violent offenders leading to murders, it remains that because we have failed as a state to deal with these offenders, we have paid a high price.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Australian Brain Drain Due to Anti-Whaling Policies

Does Australia's anti-whaling policy have anything to do with our lack of fish intake? I would say yes, because Japan is a pro-fishing thus pro-whaling nation. Eating fish is proven to be highly beneficial to your brain cells. Australia, eat some fish, AND whale, before you lose all your brain cells.
If we start eating fish again we may find a cure for the disease of leftism.

Australia Hypocritical on Anti-Whaling Policy

Because the Rudd Government is against Whaling, Australia must ban all Kangaroo hunting from now on. Otherwise, and currently, we are the BIGGEST hypocrites around.

Australia is so hypocritical, we suffer from the disease of leftism. The major symptoms are hypocrisy, lying and ignorance, and other symptoms are: disrespect, brainlessness, idiocy, anarchy, authoritarianism, socialism and communism(includes confiscating land and causing land owners heartache), political correctness, brainfrying, euthanasia, abortion, homosexual rights, civil liberties (do-gooders) where criminals have more rights than anyone else, anything that makes oneself feel good on the basis that if it feels good it must work (rather than if it works then it IS good, not FEELS good!).

See the video here, shows us to be a bunch of pathetic morons because we don't practise what we preach. Not only are we idealistic, we are stupid.

Less whales (And Sharks!) equals more fish. Somebody please ban the anti-whalers from eating meat forever! PLEASE!

If whales are rare why are several (more than several actually!) ending up on our beaches each year dead? Not because of our Submarines you stupid leftists, but because there are so many whales!!!!!! Of course there is no balance in the anti-whaling debate. Typical leftism where authoritarianism rules and the truth is never considered.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Western Australia Becoming Violent

This Japanese man was stabbed by a complete nutter who was out on bail. Now we will see us go soft on him and treat him for his crime. Because he was out on bail he should be put away for 40 years. This guy is a nutcase and should be tested for drugs in jail.
He was armed with a knife when he was put on bail, what is going on?
He is another perfect candidate for the death penalty.

Dew Point Temperature

A bit off topic, I thought I will add items like this (especially meteorological or aviation related) from time to time. Find out exactly what Dew Point Temperature is.

Do-Gooder Groups

The NSW Council of Civil Liberties has ridiculous stuff on their site. They have a 'prisoner section' but not a 'police section (they must be leaving that job to the Police Union?) and they have rights for practically everything, and a drugs decriminalization policy.

The most hilarious thing on their site is 'Victim's Rights'! Funny, how do victim's have rights these days? Looks like the left have just concocted another minority group to 'use' in their attacks on the establishment for actually catching and processing criminals in the Justice System. Take care of the victim, through taxes, and we can forget the criminal, well the left thinks so! Problem Solved!

We also have the Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

One group we don't have is the Pay for the Consequences So Don't Do IT!

Isn't this why we have so many young people killing themselves these days on the roads? They don't understand the consequences. Blame the left, they obviously have little regard to placing responsibility on those in society to whom it properly belongs.

Australia Un-Democratic on Death Penalty

Australia has abolished the death penalty, and in all cases this was done without referendum. An article suggests that it would be reintroduced if a referendum was conducted, but the writer of this article 'fears' referendums. Sounds like the left wing establishment prefer an authoritarian dictatorship, where people have no say and no justice.
My argument for the death penalty is this.
In Western Australia 2 murders (1 Chinese female student in Innaloo 2007, and 1 Japanese Australian Permanent Resident at the Wellington St Bus Station, Perth 2007) were carried out within 3 months of each other, with one murderers just released from prison and the other on bail for another offence. The Government bureaucrats have told me directly they like to let them out so they can 'watch them'. This is Labor's mind-numbing policy on 'justice'.
So if we had the death penalty, and these 2 were either on death row, or deceased, the state's murder rate would be reduced.
And, if we had built a massive prison instead of a new 2 Billion dollar Urban Railway to Mandurah, we would probably be keeping these criminals in jail (if Labor actually supported keeping them in jail-which I am sure they have little interest in doing).
All in all a lot of crime is caused by the early release policy of Labor and most importantly Labor is exposing the community to grave risk.
The least Labor can do is advise the community that they have released dangerous offenders onto the streets. At least we will be more aware of who is actually in the community, and not in jail........
Labor (all states in Australia) has done this famously with paedophiles and caused major protests from each community where it has been revealed across Australia that these child abusers are out and ready to play with your kids!
The left famously use the 'innocent' argument against the death penalty and it has worked for so long. As long as we are scared of innocent people being put to death for murder, we will see more of the above until we actually fess up to our softness and get on with the job of necking a few bad guys who especially ARE the culprits.

Books on 'Golbal Warming' Add to the Skeptical Consensus that the Real Global Warming is Hysteria

Climate Confusion is written by a principal research Scientist at the University of Alabama. It will hopefully cool the temperatures of the global warming hysterics.

What I want to know is why are people so easily led into making changes when they haven't even looked at both sides of the issues. No one (leftists importantly) remained 'skeptical' on Nuclear energy safety after Chernobyl, because they saw something scary. Funny that it was the Russians failure which turned into a Western failure. We haven't stolen Russian Nuclear plant designs (like the Russians stole off the Americans and others) so I don't see why people are so scared for.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Rape on the Highway

Rape and murder in WA, we are no longer 'dullsville'. Happy now?

As far as I am concerned the death penalty must be reinstated with rapists and murderers to be the subject of death.

In Japan I have felt extremely safe. Why? They still have reasonable punishment for murderers there. Here we 'must' rehabilitate them, according to the annuls of the left.

Forget rehab, just hang 'em and let the others shiver at the new system. Funny how good the death penalty works. It makes sure murderers won't re-offend.

Australian Murder Rate Skyrockets-Updated

Now we have a penthouse murder. First, a few tourists, then a law clerk (the husband murdered her) now a Penthouse murder which may reak of homosexuality.
Yes, murder is ok in WA. We don't have the death penalty, leftists will forgive you and people don't really care. Funny, when their family members die, they become quite sad. Wonder why?

Maybe leftists need to think about the reasons why the murder rate is increasing........

Update: Murderer Found

Tolerating Terrorism

I know the world is ignorant, but if the world was in Israel they surely wouldn't like the terrorism experienced by current day Israelis.
As normal, the world tolerates terrorism until its too late. Why do we force Israel to appease the 'Palestinians' and forget that they have been murdered by Islamo Facisists in the past? Simple: left wing ideological moonbats do not like the idea of Israel having its own state. Simply put, Palestinians are the 'victims' when the terrorism is actually caused by said and experienced by Israelis.
When will the world wake up and realize God is having a say with Israel. It is all in the Bible, and moonbats don't want to know about it, because they are really anti-Christian. Yes, they love Hitler. Shame they didn't save Hitler from 'extinction'.

And, when Israel is not 'interfering with the 'Palestinians', who in fact have NEVER had their own Government, or monarchy or even a dictatorship, until after 1967 and terrorist AraFAT decided, in cahoots with Romania's Soviets which determined a way forward for its cold war against the United States.

Sensors can keep F111s flying, But Liberals (Australian Liberal Party) were so out of touch, they didn't bother about this

Sensors can save F-111, says firm

Steve Creedy | January 04, 2008

A PERTH company is pitching its aircraft structural monitoring system as a way of extending the life of the RAAF's F-111 fleet if the Government opts to scrap its controversial $6.6 billion order for 24 F/A-18F Super Hornets.

Read it all.

Now only save them, but just keep them on duty, which is what is required. The F111s are really Australia's prime strategic asset. A cold war bomber unprecedented with a design and a capability like no other. If Australia develops a nuclear capability, we can surely deter future foes in our region, especially any 'bossy boots', like the Soviets.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What are Muslims Really Planning?

December 30, 2007

"Jihad: war against non-Muslims to convert them to Islam"

Pop quiz! Who said that? Me? Andy Bostom? Serge Trifkovic? Greg Davis? Must have been one of us "Islamophobes," no?

Whoops! Nope! It comes from a book, Islam and Christianity, printed by a Muslim publishing house, Waqf Ikhlas Publications, and distributed by the modern, moderate, secular Turkish government to non-Muslims who come to work in Turkey. It's on page 316 of the 7th edition.

I expect that Ibrahim Hooper and Salam Al-Marayati will be on the phone to Waqf Ikhlas Publications forthwith, explaining to them that they're misunderstanding Islam and jihad. Oh, those Turkish Islamophobes!

Posted by Robert at December 30, 2007 1:52 PM

Give a Terrorist a Fair Go, But Not Us (Australia)
The left wing's campaign to free a terrorist

Yes we all can feel good about ourselves by supporting a terrorist like David Hicks. As far as I am concerned I would ask why the terrorists don't give us a fair go?

Shame terrorists don't give men and women (unarmed) a gun first and all the necessary training so they can give the Jihadis a fair fight.

This is just another radical left wing feel good Jihad mission. Leftists should go to Saudi Arabia, it is more their cup of tea over there than here.

From The Herald Sun

DAVID Hicks won't be taken seriously until he renounces terrorism, a prominent human rights lawyer says.

George Newhouse, who acted for wrongly-detained Australian citizens Vivian Alvarez and Cornelia Rau, said Hicks also had to renounce anti-Semitic views.

So why isn't David Hicks apologizing to us or renouncing terrorism?

Fair go mate, we let you out and you still want to kill us? Someone kill him first, please! Well if you didn't apologize, that makes me think of you the same as a criminal. A murderer who doesn't apologize and is let out of prison, just re-offends.

Queensland's Child Safety Disaster

Father charged over rape, murder of daughter

2nd January 2008, 18:30 WST

Queensland’s opposition has called for a public inquiry into the state Child Safety Department after a man being treated for mental illness was charged over the rape and murder of his 10-year-old daughter.

Read it all.

As far as I am concerned the Federal Government should step in and look into what is going in Queensland. Allowing mental nutcases to have custody of their children is not only chaotic but EVIL!

Maybe Queensland will tell Anna Bligh at the next election what they think.

This man is the perfect candidate for the death penalty. Kill him now before he kills anyone else, especially 10 year old girls!

Labor Blames Howard for Whitlam

Gough Whitlam was one of Australia's worst ever politicians, and Prime Ministers, ever. His radical left agenda ushered in a progressive Australia where we really lost touch with practical things, like making sure we chose the right boats for our Navy.

The Federal Labor Government is trying to blame the last Government (John Howard's Coalition) for the 'problems' with our Adelaide Class Frigates.

Senator Nick Minchin claims that Mr Fitzgibbon may be softening us up for cuts in Defence spending, although Mr Rudd's policy linchpin was that growth at 3% in funding in Defence would continue. C'mon Mr Rudd, tell us what your left wing mates are doing. Are they really pressuring you into cutting defence spending?

Human Hating Humanitarians

Well, this is what I think as well. These greeny environmentalists really should be killed off, because they are harming the environment. I know I am not, so on with it, Mr Rudd. Out with the firing squad. Oops, you want to send them to Indo wrapped in drugs to get them done over there, don't you.... still too close is it? Well Iraq is too far away for you, so how about China? They are keen to kill drug dealers, oops, they have the Olympics. Well what do you do when Labor is in power and you have radicals that talk like this----

Human-Hating Humanitarians

Some of the more radical elements of the environmental movement say some pretty weird things. Some of their proposals to make us all greener seem to be proposals to makes us all dead – or at least some of us dead. In their zeal to save the planet, they are often quite willing to view humans as expendable at best or a plague at worst. Indeed, some of them really don’t seem to like people at all.

Consider the case of one academic and his proposals as found in the Medical Journal of Australia. Associate Professor Barry Walters of the University of Western Australia told the journal that families should pay a $5000-plus baby levy at birth and an annual carbon tax of up to $800 a child. He also opined that every couple with more than two children should be taxed to pay for enough trees to offset the carbon emissions generated over each child’s lifetime.

Read it here.

And Andrew Bolt's article is here, which really hits the mark as well.

Children Have No Choice About Homosexuality

A Dark Day for Children

Why am I not surprised? The Victorian government has just announced that it will grant IVF access to homosexual couples. Minutes ago it declared that it will go ahead with most of the recommendations put forth in a Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) report into changes to the state Infertility Act. It made 130 recommendations, and Attorney General Rob Hulls has agreed to nearly all of them.

The most controversial include allowing same-sex couples to have access to IVF and other assisted reproductive technologies. We will now have basically open slather, with numerous combinations of “lifestyle arrangements” being able to bring children into the world.

I have been writing about this whole process from the day the Inquiry was announced back in 2002. Everything has gone exactly according to plan – the plan, that is, of the radical social engineers, the homosexual lobby, the biased VLRC, and the leftist Labor government. I said this was going to be a done deal, and sure enough, that has taken place as if it was all pre-arranged.

Read it all here. Thanks to Bill Muehlenberg and the Australian Christian Lobby. :,21985,22933325-5000117,00.html

This is Government enforced Homosexuality (forcing homosexuals on kids!) at its most politically correct and opportunistic emotional moment. Homosexuals cannot make their own children so they are relying on the Government to 'get them' for them. Strange that homosexuals cannot procreate, isn't it?

By all standards, children should never be subjected to such an uncouth environment. A traditional family (yes, one that makes the young babies through natural procreation technique-actually the only correct technique, man and woman) is the only family that children should be allowed into. IVF should not be used to further the goals of the perverted homosexuality movement. Full stop.

The Truth on Iran

Who Can Trust Our “Intel” Community?

Nicholas Guariglia

There’s a certain incongruity in claiming the mantle of trustworthiness and having been so wrong so often. Unfortunately, we need not look any further than our own so-called intelligence community; a bureaucratic subculture of media leaks, lousy analytical wonks masquerading as strategic advisors, where trust amongst and between coworkers is nil, where procedures contrary to administrative policy are pursued, where failed directors conjure up tell-all memoirs, and where the agency’s aversion to democratic change abroad is engrained and institutionalized as its modus operandi.

Read all here.

Question: What does Labor do when you trust it?

Answer: Gives power to the Judiciary to strike down laws that may be against 'human rights'. The Victorian legal social experiment continues. From the Vilification farce of Pastor Danny Nahliah where several Muslims were 'insulted' (actually 'vilified') because Christians were laughing at some comments on their religion, now we have something even worse. I suppose it fixes it all up, and now if the judge thinks the person will lose the case, well he can simply change the rules on the go. Imagine that at an AFL Grand Final. One of the teams actually moves the goalposts and kicks a goal! I am sure that is fair. Australia is 'fair'. If Australia was fair why are our Governments dictating to us then? And why aren't they playing by the rules?
Judges are not lawmakers, and lawmakers are not judges. Why are judges becoming Politicians for? Because Politicians in Victoria are gutless and don't want to make leftist totalitarian laws. Let the judges do it, then the pollies don't have to shoulder the blame.

Read Lawyers Picnic here.

North Korea Continues to Play the West

North Korea knows excuses will do. They won't bombed or attacked. No one wants a war. No one wants a nuclear bomb going off in they neighborhood either, but this is the kind of country that will take hostages. The terrorist nation of DPRK (North Korea) is in the axis of evil with anti-democratic terrorist sponsoring Syria and Iran. Not only that, they (Syia) believe countries like Lebanon shouldn't be democratic either. Syria can run its neighbor by violence and terror, but the US doesn't do this with Canada or Mexico. In fact thousands of people illegally cross the US border from Mexico each year. You don't see the US sponsoring terrorists in Canada or Mexico do you?
And then Israel, the only democracy apart Lebanon, is the 'real criminal' here, if you really the Axis of Evil. Yes, their democracy works so well, and they have freedom there to live as we do here in the West, that they are hated beyond hate. Also the Arab Nakbah makes it all the more painful, since Arab Islamists cannot 'tolerate' aggressors such as Israel (aggressors because Israel 'exists'-since 1948 this is why war does not stop against Israel ongoing to the current year 2008).

Australian Islam-Women have less Rights then Men

Seems like liberals love multiculturalism more than equality, for when was the last time anyone heard a liberal (not a Christian Pastor or the Pope) speak out against Islam? I can't remember........
From the Australian Christian Lobby, an excellent piece which disseminates the teaching of Islam and how brutal and backward it is. Not only is it not compatible with Australian values, but it is definitely about as opposite as anything gets to the free West. So why aren't liberals speaking out? David Horowitz could answer that.