Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Prime Minister John Howard Vindicated on 'Sorry Day'

Letter to The West Australian, 20th Feb 2008-02-20

Prime Minister John Howard Vindicated

Several 'unionists' writing disdainfully in your letters pages of Prime Minister John Howard's rumoured 'Order of the Garter' have stated only specific issues with which to ridicule him with. In fact these so called writers ignored the fact that John Howard was elected because the Unions were so powerful they needed sorting out, and sort them out he did.
Not only this, but he was re-elected 3 more times and the last time with a powerful majority in both houses. It was only the successful propaganda ran by heavyweight unions (loaded with cash) that scared the life out of the voters.
PM John Howard has been fully vindicated, and even more so, since he refused to attend the 'Sorry Day' last week in Parliament. As Brendan Nelson mentioned there will be no compensation, many indigenous people turned their backs on him. If the Aboriginal people, like Noel Pearson, admitted their problems, they would then be admitting that they would have to solve them (which Noel Pearson is doing rather well). No, it is up to Mr Rudd to say Sorry and for his state counterparts to hand out the large sums of money to already welfare dependant people who due to the Socialist dogma imposed on them often live lives of destruction, with no meaning or purpose.
As soon as the apology was over, call upon call was made for compensation by individuals and special interest lobby groups, obviously intent on pocketing sums of money to keep them going and assure a culture of endless welfare dependency.
Although Mr Howard has shown strong leadership and is gutsy for standing on his principles which I deeply admire him for, it will take much more to cease welfare dependency altogether in this great nation of Australia, where Aborigine children die all too often as children, and get raped whilst in the care of their parents.
John Howard was vindicated in the most extreme sense by the reaction to Mr Nelson's comments and most importantly the calls for compensation. As we have an extremely large problem with welfare dependency by the current indigenous people, with Government too scared to 'force' them into work, or to live off the land (since much of Australia is theirs now), we are not going to do any good at all by throwing more money at the problem. They will keep drinking and having babies with foetal alcohol syndrome unless we establish the fact that before they were 'given rights' in the 1960's, they worked for their money and were responsible for themselves.
These days it is the reverse, with the Government being forced to take responsibility and working for them by handing out welfare, which is encouraging Politicians to pump up Government even more to what it shouldn't be, the nanny state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.