Sunday, June 28, 2009

As I predicted, Labor is soft on immigration, and getting softer, alarmingly!

Biggest boatload to stretch detention centre

Australia is having increased amounts of arrivals of illegal immigrants and all because Labor abonded TPVs (temporary protection visas) and the Pacific Solution from the Howard Government. When Australian politics encountered the 'children overboard' affair, I knew then that Labor and the Greens (and Democrats which are no longer) would all support an 'open immigration policy' for Australia. They forget those who have come legally and followed due process.
Instead we have lawyers and communists subverting our system (and Government) in order to allow potential terrorists into Australia. These people pay to come here (economic 'refugees'). Now Labor rewards them.
Stop the Labour scourge. Let's have a double dissolution and end this pathetic example of 'leadership' Rudd professes to. Kevin Rudd wants to subjugate Australia to China and the UN.

What a lot of people do not realize is that the huge cost involved of processing these people, using our Patrol Boats to pick them up and ferry them in, and then handing out money to them here. This is not about 'feeling good' because you are taking care of those who can pay to come here illegally, but about the huge cost incurred because of the Government's soft position, and getting softer. Isn't the getting softer policy going to equate to getting expensive? Yes, more will come, and expose us to more costs as the Government votes to remove 'burdens' on those who come here.

Opposition spared embarrassment on asylum bill

Boatload of 190 asylum seekers headed to Australia

Navy picks up suspected illegal boat near Christmas Island

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