Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Global Warming Fear Scam

Here is a bunch of real scientists disposing of the Global Warming myths often made out to be true in all the mass media, or otherwise known as Main Stream Media (MSM).


Unknown said...

Did you ever get a chance to see the Great Global Warming Swindle? Good flick.

I am all for wanting to be more energy efficient and have things like clean water tables and such, but I'm not in to the man made causation of global warming. Global warming is happening. Just like many years ago global cooling was happening. In the coming years global cooling will start to happen again.

The idea that CO2 is some how bad is silly. I am all for different science and opinion. But these people that are trying to shut down debate on the science behind global warming to fit their own agenda are in fact behaving in a way that is poor science.

F111RAAF said...

Real scientists know it is the sun, and this is common sense.

About 2020 the world will enter global cooling and we will see mass famine unlike we have seen before, but mainly because the unreal scientists have pushed their agenda of CO2 being the culprit. Eventually a lot of people will starve, unless we get to building some Nuke plants now.

At nuclear energy will be able to provide the energy requirements for sufficient harvests to feed the world population. But, the environmental left (Greens and nutters who hug trees otherwise known as ferals) is so much more against nuclear power that 'carbon emitting' coal, it is too funny to see their logic being pathetic.

The worst problem of coal is the smog, and if nuclear energy is built in industrial zones like China where pollution is huge, we will see much less smog.

The Great Global Warming Swindle was shown in AUstralia on the ABC and the left wing Tony Jones (ABC) interviewed Martin Durkin, and the biased interview was a little unfair towards Martin Durkin. At least they gave him a few oppotunities to discuss points in the documentary. Never trust Tony Jones, his agenda is all left wing and never to be unbiased.