Saturday, December 29, 2007

Pope Rejects 'Global Warming Ideology'

Finally the Pope is saying to us not to believe the global warming doom sayers. The worst of
2007 was the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon who just before Bali tried to whip up a
worldwide panic about the doom soon to be upon us!

In the article below, it shows (through the wisdom of a Pope) that a little caution is needed when surrounded by those in a panic.

He warned that "any solutions to global warming must be based on firm evidence and not dubious ideology ... Fears over man-made emissions melting the ice caps and causing a wave of unprecedented disaster are nothing more than scaremongering. While some concerns may be valid, it is vital that the international community bases its policies on science rather than the dogma of the environmentalist movement ... Humanity today is rightly concerned about the ecological balance of tomorrow. It is important for assessments in this regard to be carried out prudently in dialogue with experts and people of wisdom, uninhibited by ideological pressure to draw hasty conclusions."

It cannot have escaped the Pope's attention that carbon dioxide continues to build in the atmosphere but the mean planetary temperature hasn't increased significantly for nearly nine years. Similar misgivings about how well the greenhouse theory fits the available facts informed the views of his leading local representative, Cardinal George Pell. In February this year Pell wrote a column calling for caution over exaggerated claims of severe global warming. He said he is "deeply sceptical about man-made catastrophic global warming, but still open to further evidence. What we are seeing from the doomsayers is an induced dose of mild hysteria, semi-religious if you like, but dangerously close to superstition. I would be surprised if industrial pollution and carbon emissions had no effect at all, but enough is enough."

Australian Submarine Fleet Needs to Be Doubled: Ex Australian Minister of Defence

Former Defence Minister Kim Beazley is right on the mark. We need to double our Submarine fleet. I agree, and the evidence is there. It has been there for quite a while. China has some 75 Conventional and Nuclear Powered submarines. And we can't rely on the US if you can see their current Submarine acquisition strategy.

As well as doubling our fleet, we need to triple the amount of Maritime Patrol Aircraft (RAAF) which are dedicated to Submarine Search and Destroy missions, AND, the most important part is, keeping (and DOUBLING!) the F111 Strike Bomber fleet. They are essential to maintaining a strategic capability in our region. Indonesia is on our doorstep, and China is only the street behind it.

If Labor actually get serious on defence, I can see the Liberals are going to find it extremely tough going in winning any seats from Labor in the next election.

More on the regional arms race here.

Friday, December 28, 2007

The New Religion of Environmentalism

Join up today so you can have your own wind turbine in your own name. Hey, it will only cost you your job, your house, your family. It isn't that expensive to feel good these days, is it?

Funny of the Day

Australian Labor Government plans to build 3 SSBNs in order to counter the whaling threat by Japan. Fish numbers are getting low because of whales eating too much fish (actually too many whales eating too few fish) and Australia is getting cranky with Japan because Japan didn't tell Australia that whales eat fish. Just like the environmentalists never told us we could control the climate, just we could do something to feel good about the global warming whilst blaming capitalist and evil USA for everything....

Australia says that if Japan dares to kill one of the whales that tourists love here in Australia every year, then Australia will launch a few ballistic missiles on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, just to teach 'em a lesson. Good on you Australia for saving some fish-eating whales. Now where are all the fish gone?

Last week Australia torpedoed 4 whaling ships with Australian whales on board. 3 days later 3 Japanese F-15 Eagles and 4 F22s sank 2 Australian Navy Frigates in retaliation. Australia had retired the F111s and will send a high level Jihadist to Tokyo to threaten them with Islamic suicide bombing and aggression unless the Japanese stop their whaling and surrender to Al-Qaeda.

David Hicks will instruct the special suicide bomber on terrorist tactics to make sure Australia has an excellent chance to retaliate against the whale hunters.

Since Australia pulled out of Afghanistan 1 year ago, the Aussies have been patrolling for 'whaling aggressors' in its Southern waters. Several thousand Australian troops were deployed to the Antarctic to protect Polar Bears and to be on the lookout for whale hunters. Several aging F18 Hornets were posted to the Ice as well. Since then the Japanese have managed to bomb Darwin a dozen times, reminiscent of 1942.

Ann on Sodomy and Huckabee

Ann does it again! Go to Ann Coulter for the best humour on the left. It will have you in hysterics!
And to my homosexual readers, please respect my opinion, I detest sodomy, homosexuality etc etc. It is the lowest a man can go, literally.
Ann speaks on Mike Huckabee and I think the same as Ann.

Site of the Day for Australian Security and Intelligence Network

The Kokoda Foundation are responsible for being visionary in the pursuit of Australia's Submarine future.
They place importance on Strategic thinking within Australia.

Aborigine Crime or Deaths in Custody?

We have a dilemma in Australia. We are being held hostage by Aborigine crime and if we do anything about it we are given the guilt trip of 'deaths in custody'. This is where the Aborigine criminals kill themselves in jail. It seems to create great feelings of regret amongst Justice officials (and create a tendency to be extremely soft on them and to keep them OUT of jail).
Well, we need to start with ending welfare to this mob of people who think they are entitled to it. We need to get the message of responsibility to the community and especially this mob that wishes to bash anyone over a cricket bat or a cigarette. Because we have denied the responsibility and consequences should exist in Australia, we have gone down this path of violence and making life exist with no meaning. The stolen generation only exists in the mind of those that deny rape, sexual abuse of children (pedophilia) and huge amounts of violence and alcohol abuse exists amongst Aboriginals in their Government funded communities. Also the neglect of children's wellbeing exists too, with parents too busy with drinking and being drunk to care for any children. At least lets start with making some Army training camps, where they can't leave until they are actively employed or capable of making the right decision.
Socialism equals destruction of society, and that is why this meaningless example of life is happening. End welfare, end socialism. Don't even give them money based on school attendance. Parents should work. Or they should hunt and live off the land. Stop taking OUR money and pissing it up against the wall!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Australian Submarine Plan

This week in The Australian a plan for Australia's Submarine future was released. Over at ELP there are some interesting links, and then there is this one, which should activate some interest here in Australia. It would be ideal to have a Ballistic Submarine fleet I think. Even 2 or 3 boats would suffice. And the nuclear warheads would make New Zealand and the Greens go absolutely nuts, even as New Zealand bans Australia from its shores because we go nuclear. There are many kiwis who are not against Nuclear Arms or power. C'mon ANZACs, lets have 'em!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Sir Charles a Court Passes Away, a Monumentus Man

Sir Charles a Court displayed Churchillian ferocity as a man working tirelessly as a Politician and achieving major milestones in Australian development. No man in Australian Politics has made the mark that Sir Charles a Court made. He was knighted, and duly has been ackonwledged of his extraordinary efforts, thus proving he has made the mark which makes him one of Australia's man of the 20th Century.

Court bows out from 'a perfect life'

Premier a tireless champion for WA

Sir Charles Court dies at 96

Stolen Generation Myth To Cost Us

The Myth of the Stolen Generation will cost us, undoubtedly due to many Australians being deceived by activists on the left who wish to take more and more money. Where money can be got, why not take it?

Andrew Bolt asks us to save our sorry for Mary, who wasn't removed, but raped by her own people. As is usual for the Stolen Generation propaganda myth to work, activists do not mention facts when it comes to running a campaign to get a sorry, and then lots of money, from Australian taxpayers.

Many aborigines have experienced child abuse and rape in their communities and this is the primary reason we are remove children. As is the same with every person under Australian law, if a child is in a risky situation, then it is removed.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Government (Labor) Funding 'Illicit' Drug Use

Which Government is funding Vivaids?

Only Labor of course, since they are the only ones 'in' at the moment.

Whales Deplete Fish Stocks

Obviously there will much hype on this one from the massive left leaning whale protection/lover lobby.
What amazes me is common sense would tell you Whales don't eat cows, horses, birds, or other variety of land or air animal. And whales don't eat seaweed either. I can't understand why people don't get it, that whales eat vast amounts of fish. Well, some people don't get it at all. That is why we have whale lovers and many types of 'minority lobby groups' which push those in Authority to do things for them.

The anti-fishing lobby here in Australia is clearly happy at people being blamed for 'over-fishing'. Well, its true if you blame the very same people for banning whaling. Fisherman are being forced to give up their livelihood because of these minority groups.

And because Labor is in power all over Australia, State and Federal, they strive to do the propaganda bidding of these minority groups.

Olympics Rigged

I remember a world cup soccer (football) match in the 1980s was influenced by some Royal 'Arab'.
Anyhow the Olympic Body has been found to be false (yet media coverage is very low) as it allowed bad refereeing in Handball until Korea and Japan both complained against Kuwait. The referee was Iranian and the Japanese match was so rigged that a Japanese player got a red card for touching a guy, after the Kuwaitis had handled a Japanese player on his neck and clearly fouled him, in a goal scoring position, and, with no foul called. This is cover up at its best. Yes, it doesn't get better than this.

Just another reason to boycott the Beijing Olympics. Strange that the 1936 Olympics were held in Berlin at about the time people knew Hitler was up to something. The Olympics is the most corrupt sporting body on the planet. Politics has no place in sport? Well human rights must be included in Politics. And if politics is not in sport, then no one should be allowed to see tv or film of the aport played, since it is propaganda. In fact it was great propaganda for the Nazis. Well Beijing will be the same. Unfortunately sport is politics, and human rights is politics. If the Olympic Committee wants to truly have no politics in sport, then only this can be done by a voting system. Every person older than 21 on the planet will have the right to vote, and will be divided into countries. But then this should only be allowed in countries where free press and media is permitted. Not in China, not in North Korea or other countries. So quite a few countries will be automatically disqualified straight away anyway.

So what am I saying? I support President Bush? Yes, totally! And I support democratic ideas. Sport is corrupt until we allow decisions to be made democratically.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Australia enters new era

If Australia wants to survive the next few years it must exercise great caution with the Rudd Government.
The Labor Party is made up of extreme leftists, and we will be left with no clothes on with our dicks and balls freezing in the wind.
Labor has no idea how to run this country. The only way for us, thank God, is to have a Christian revival. Roll on......
Any other solution is not going to get us out of deep Sh** unless we ask God.
We saw Tsunamis in Asia. Obviosly some people have been living in dreamland.
Oh well, they won't be in dreamland for much longer.
Without food or power, Australia is going to be very upset.

Australian Communism Now in Force, Rudd Against free speech like all leftists

What happened to democracy?
It seems the signs in the pre-election antics were correct. Kevin Rudd only wants those in favour of him.
Well well, Australia is going to find times very hard in the next ten years. It has already started, with girls being raped, if black boys, getting no sentences because of stolen generation and cultural sensitivities. Leftism gone mad.

If Andrew Bolt is kicked out of the Herald Sun I will be very. very angry. He is the only person that speaks the truth, he doesn't tell lies like the rest of the assholes out there.

Australian Left Wing Radicals taking us back to dark ages

It was these same left wing radicals that convinced Australians that the Howard Government would take us back to the dark ages with Work Choices. Now, they remove it and undo more than 10 years of reforms to get rid of corrupt and power hungry unions who only want to tell companies and workers what to do.
If Labor retained the choice ideology, I think they would have a chance at winning the next election.
It will be tight, and if they make a couple of bad mistakes, they will pay the price dearly.

The perfect remedy is competition. Work Place agreements and awards, negotiated by Unions. But Unions should be made to bear the full cost of company time to negotiate the agreements. It would be great to see agreements that don't include unions available to employees.

I am a great fan of Ronald Reagan and admire his approach. Unions should never be allowed to dictate to us, nor should any minority group.

But under Labor, all we see is Greenpeace, Aboriginal Legal Service and Unions telling us how to run the country. Funny that that happens now Labor is in charge. Will Kevin Rudd Govern for all Australians? I hope he does. Allow the work choices to stay, I see nothing wrong with it. If you are naughty why shouldn't a company be allowed to sack you?

I wasn't even 'naughty', a company hated me, but they sacked me. I wasn't in the union and never wanted to be. I believe in a higher power. I have belief in God and myself to obtain the necessary opportunities

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Australian Government all Mouth on Climate Change, but Quiet on Aborigine Rape Victim

The new Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, is making statement after statement on Climate Change, something that is not really something we have control over, but is remaining 'mum' on Aborigine Rape. C'mon Mr Rudd, what if your own daughter was raped. Is that acceptable to you?
What about Aborigine violence? That must be the norm for you. Well, if it isn't, why are you not talking about it? Just ignoring the issue? Just like other Labor Bureaucrats? You obviously want the US to move on climate change, which is probably going to mean nothing, but what about your thoughts on Aborigine welfare? You don't really want to say much on this do you, since Labor was in power with Peter Beattie and his members (Labor) was telling the Department of Community to not report offences to police. What is going on? Well Mr Rudd, I think you care more on environment than violence and sexual abuse in aborigine communtiies. Of course, you think if we don't save the environment, or 'mother earth', like all your leftie friends, it won't matter if aborigines are violent or not. I hope Noel Pearson becomes Aborigine Affairs Minister in the next Government and either myself, Peter Costello, or John Howard as P.M. On with the election, please God make Labor fail fast.,25197,22926253-5013172,00.html

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Stolen Generation Myth the Reason Aborigine Girl Was Raped!

In Australia this week this issue is taking all the headlines.

The people taking care of the girl were great, but what about the stolen generation????

"These non-indigenous people were fantastic - ensuring she went to school, and the father actually took a year off his work to personally supervise this girl," he said. "But two new social workers were appointed to the north and they expressed the view, which was repeated many times to the investigating committee, that putting an indigenous child with white foster parents was another stolen generation.

Seems like the Stolen Generation Myth has clearly polarized into Australian thinking and determining the fate of children when we should be leaving leftist issues out and repudiating them. They are vile lies and we need to start getting facts on matters, not silly emotions. Someone please tell Labor that they need to appoint judges with a sound mind, not a leftist permissive attitude.

Will Australia now realize that voting a Federal Labor Government was not the right thing to do? All state Labor Governments are dealing with the crisis of total mismanagement, and children suffer. Yes, children, not me, you hear, those right wing haters out there? I am not suffering, the children are. Help them, stop this leftism.

See here for The Australian's section on Indigenous Welfare.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Breaking: Less Than Half of all Published Scientists Endorse Global Warming Theory

Breaking: Less Than Half of all Published Scientists Endorse Global Warming Theory

Seems like people who tell me global warming caused by CO2 is beyond doubt are probably not up with current events. This article goes back to August..... One of those people is Bob Maumill at 6PR.
Well, have we got news for them! Maybe the Al-Gores of this world are disappearing into hyperspace while all the real scientists now tell us that we have been duped and to get on with it. Sounds great to me, just tell the environmentalists that!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Stolen Generation Report

An Australian Government Report called "Bringing Them Home" is available on the Australian Parliament House Library web site. So does this mean we are to return the children back into care of parents who are alcoholics who are violent and won't feed the child?
All over Australia, especially in Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia, we are seeing the reality that because Government does not 'steal the kids away' from the parents (the parents are a drunken and usually violent mess, or worse, putting children at grave risk) any more the children are dying when if they had been removed to loving homes this would never had happened.
I don't even think this child was Aboriginal, but yet the Government in NSW was still not interested. All over Australia we are seeing our taxes being wasted on bureaucratic departments who have paper wars over kids and claim they are overworked.
The scam in Australia is that even if the Department of Community Services knows children may be at risk, they really don't do much. Last year an Aboriginal child died in Western Australia in total squalor. The parents were off their heads, and you won't see this happen in third world countries where their income is far less. The children are far healthier there than under the care of 'parents' here who really shouldn't be called parents or carers at all.
The Stolen Generation is the biggest leftist lie ever created. Children are dying because of activists (left wing) with an agenda to look like they are victims. These people are all for continuing in their Government funded existence where they have been 'mistreated' by Government (thanks to their agenda and propaganda) so if we dare to take responsibility they will cry foul and make it look like we are mistreating them. This is the biggest scam in Australian history, with Global Warming by CO2 the biggest scam in world history.
Should we allow the Aboriginals to bring their kids up surrounded by sexual abuse, violence and substance abuse, in the name that the stolen generation will occur once more because we are forcibly removing these kids?

Site of the Day-Jihad Watch

Visit Jihad Watch to see what kind of Jihad is showing near you.
No free tickets.

Leftist Lies Everywhere

Where do we start?
Iraq, they say 600,000 people were killed in the March 2003 US-Iraq War. BIG LIE! Around 10,000 people (upper estimate) to 20,000 people (upper upper estimate) were killed in the three week war.
Global Warming, they say the ice caps are going to melt, seas are going to rise, and massive weather events will devastate us. Well, if that true, what happened to the last 1000 years when the temperatures rose?
Chernobyl, they again said that hundreds of thousands of people had been killed. Only 60 died, but the world got scared to death by their fear campaign, and it capped off the massive anti-Reagan (about Reagan's Star Wars and ICBM acquisition policies) scare campaign by the Greens-extreme left who created more fear than Reagan's clever ICBM policy. At least the Russians were stuffed if they dared try anything.
"There was then the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor, also in 1986, that was said to threaten millions of people with death and so terrified women that the International Atomic Energy Agency said as many as 200,000 had abortions. Now we know that the true death toll so far is fewer than 60."
From Andrew Bolt, and it teaches us one thing: If fear is being used by a particular group, it is usually left of left, and it always lies (ie cannot tell truth, no, not one bit, unable to, cannot, at all, ever!) in order to get its point across-FEAR!
Read it all, it is far more educational than the fear mongering of the left.

More Aboriginal Deaths

After refusing to stop for a random breath test the car rolled 3 km later, killing six occupants and injuring another. It just keeps getting worse. Well, until Aboriginals rise up and say it wasn't the Police's fault, and they need to take responsibility for their actions, we are going to see a continuous cycle of devastation, amongst Aboriginals of all ages and sexes. Death, abuse, violence and crime, all because they have no life. Stop the welfare.

If we stop welfare amongst Aboriginals, we will spare them from more devastation. Otherwise we will experience a civil war, which is beginning to simmer now that Maoris in Perth are fed up with Aboriginals committing crime against them. Someone do something, or the New Zealanders will help us to make the hardest decisions of all. End welfare now, or we will have to after more damage (and probably far worse) has been done.

Labor 'May' be Serious on F-22, according to Aviation Week

Just all rumour at the moment, but there is a possibility that the new Government may trump the Liberals in Defence spending. The F-22, if purchased alongside the F-35 JSF, in significant numbers, will make Australians sit up and take notice. The first Labor Government to spend money on RAAF aircraft acquisitions in more than 50 years is and will be a remarkable feat. Maybe Mr Rudd is like Curtin, acting in Australia's interests for a change. Maybe the Liberals can learn from this, by not following the US's lead all the time, even though that Australia fully supports the US and remains best friends. The USA is Australia's blood brother, having fought side by side in the Pacific Theatre in the early to mid 1940s. We won't forget, and neither will they. Lest they forget.
God Bless Australia, God Bless America.

(In an earlier post I stated a possible Labor disarmament of Australia. Until we see things pan out and decisions being made in Canberra, we have little idea of where things are going.)

Lies of the Stolen Generation

Because of activist liars claiming they were a part of the 'stolen generation', we are seeing so many Aborigine children dying because Government does not intervene today. Why, if it so sacrilegious to 'intervene', do they hand over welfare payments to aborigines for? If Government wants to allow the aborigines to fend for themselves, they should do so, and stop all welfare now. At least we may see some common sense return, instead of massive 1.5 Billion dollars worth of money spent to check children who have been abused sexually in the 'communities' which are given free housing. One think I like with Noel Pearson, Mal Brough and Prime Minister John Howard was giving Aborigines the opportunity of home ownership. It is a start in giving the Aboriginals a way to earn some pride in themselves. One nice young man I met in Kununurra works in the medical centre. He seems a responsible young lad and very nice indeed. A lot of others are not so nice, living on alcohol and letting kids run around town stealing stuff. Why, there is even 24 hour liquor available there, as I assume in other WA, and Australian, towns.
The ignorance of Government to these facts is not only astounding but beggars belief when leftists think they know it all. There is local Government by-laws in the town restricting the sale of alcohol and Northern Territory communities which have alcohol bans in place are seeing an exodus to towns so that 'drinking can be resumed'. What a shame we don't see welfare is the problem, and if we just had Peter Costello as Prime Minister, we might see something done on this. At least he is the only person, apart from Pauline Hanson, who would have the guts and vision to do anything on this sensitive issue.
Noel Pearson has been pushing for reforms in this direction for a while now. He has had a lot of publicity. But maybe now we need to ask ourselves, it is really fair on Aboriginals to just give them hand outs, and free medical checks, in the name of us being responsible? We must get them to be responsible for themselves, but this may just be a little too scary for the left. Maybe it will give them nightmares if we suggest this kind of solution. The left needs easier solutions like attaching electronic connections to the brains of all Aborigines and reprogramming their brains so they are not violent, and take responsibility. Placing the responsibility on Aboriginals is too great a fear for leftists.

Noel Pearson on Aboriginal Alcoholism here.

Noel Pearson's Papers here, very interesting and thought-provoking reading here.

The 'Stolen Generation' Myth

Andrew Bolt clearly delineates the facts on the so called 'stolen generation' myth of Aboriginal children being stolen from their families because of racial reasons.
The left have howled over Andrew's comments (just like these radio presenters try to bait Andrew with) that the stolen generation is a pure myth. It is a leftist mythology that is being used so Aborigine activists can get even more 'compensation' from the Government now. They already get welfare, indigenous programs, the Northern Territory intervention, and on top of this Police baby sitting them and 'couriering' them around. Such I saw in North Western Australia in Kununurra. But I would accurately surmise, from my own eyes and experience, including cities, that most towns in WA have this tumultuous problem/s. Aborigine crime and violence is extreme when compared to 'whitey' or 'yellowy' or the other 'blackies' from Africa. This has allowed to ferment due to the left's absolute stranglehold in Australian Politics and Media on this particular issue and many others including 'human rights' which is now beginning to affect general crime rates in Australia (as in up, up and away!). In Australia if you are to the right it is like you are a fascist. Ever since the Sixties we have been in the hippie revolution, now resurgent, claiming we are not doing enough for poor people, poor countries, blah blah blah.
If John Howard was the realist conservative of Politics for Australia, Andrew Bolt is the realist conservative of the media in Australia. Both are my heroes, both stand up to leftist totalitarian absolutism and refuse to back down.

Andrew Bolt's blog here.

Andrew Bolt's Herald Sun column here.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Cool It, New Book For Those That Question The Environmental Movement

This book written by someone who knows what he is talking about.

Climate Change Propaganda Goes "Missing"

The only scientist in Australian Politics (and other MPs say he is wrong!), Dr Dennis Jensen, has clearly found out the woeful stinking propaganda of the environmental movement has been removed in order to cover their lies. This is not only possible, but it has happened. Yet, the 'science' is proven according to Climate Change Saints, especially the Greens.
And even Martin Durkin questioned the 'hockey stick'.
Read this here and you may be gobsmacked to see how many idiots there are which actually spruik lies off to us.

Read The Report (Dissenting) of Dr Jensen referred to br Bob Carter in the video below. He is Australia's only scientist sitting in Parliament.

Nine Facts About Climate Change

Get some balanced reading on climate change here.
Apart from the media filming icebergs breaking up at the end of summer and glaciers 'melting', I have seen nothing that leads me to believe we are in a crisis.
And even then, we don't get to see the truth. The media don't film from Glaciers in Winter, do they?

Nine Facts About Climate Change is a PDF format book online.

The Lavoisier Group.

CO2 Emissions Rise But Temperature Doesn't, Global Warming Alarmists Caught Out

The Alarmists who state we are in a climate crisis have been caught out finally. The only scientist in Australian Parliament, Dr Denis Jensen has made a report that clearly indicates the CO2 caused climate change 'theory' is wrong. The same scientists that keep the religion Of Darwinism must be followers of the this 'theory' since they couldn't be further from the truth.
The temperature in the last 8 years did not rise, but CO2 emissions did.
Other Western Parliaments have also said that CO2 caused Global Warming is total falsehood. Now, why does the media keep harping on about climate change? Why do they follow the IPCC like the IPCC know the facts? The IPCC are predicting with wrong science that temperatures will rise because of rising CO2 levels. There are many dissenting scientists who refute this, as well as proper reporting by Parliaments in the Western world. Yet journalists and media cannot bring themselves to do their job properly, except for intelligent people like Martin Durkin.
The IPCC are not in the business of predicting climate change expert Kevin Trenberth says.

If the climate change priests cooled down a bit maybe they wouldn't 'feel' so warm.

The origins of the current global warming scare is detailed here, and basically is environmentalism gone hot.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Iran Has Not Stopped Its Weapons Program

Analysis of intelligence of Iran's Nuclear Program reveals that the US has been deceived by improper intelligence gathering activities, mostly because of the United States intelligence services being compromised and gullible. Israel, home of the best Inteeligence services in the world, contradicts the lone claim by the US NIE that Iran stopped its Nuclear Weapons Program in 2003. Not only this but the opportunists in US intelligence circles of playing politics with the US Executive branch seems to be playing a cruel part in this intelligence war where the US is clearly in the red.

Kenneth Timmerman lays out some of the facts here, and also funnily enough reveals them in his most recent book to date.

The Anti-war Left Again Beaten By Facts!

Saddam WAS supporting terrorism. No big news here, except for those Liberal leftists who claim the WMD lies from Bush was used to invade Iraq, and that the real reason was oil.
At least we now have the facts to appropriate that Saddam was a terrorist. But leftists didn't know that, did they?

Instead of Naming a Cute Teddy Bear Mohammed, Why Not Name a Monkey Mohammed?

What an the monkey!

Here describes just how stupid you have to be to be calling for the death penalty on a teacher which has done nothing wrong. Stupid Muslims should be educating their own kids instead of letting 'whitey' do it for them, eh? Either stop your ranting and raving or just let some 'Blackey Sudanese Muslim with a Sword' teach your Muslim kids how to be a good Muslim-kill each other!

Chavez is so anti-American he just Wants to be a Dictator

Isn't it funny the more anti-American you are, the more undemocratic you are?

Labor's Extreme Left Wing Activists!

Penny Wong is a Lesbian and for that she gets to be Environment Minister. Wow, if Peter Garrett was a homosexual, maybe he could have got that job.
Not with a Rudd, a a wannabe feminist.
Oh yeah, he is our new Prime Minister, that is if you don't think that Julia Gillard is the real PM.
Wanna find out what Penny Wong is like? Well she is unionist, activist, lesbian/homosexual and every other feral thing you can think of. God, what did Australia vote for????
Am I glad I put Labor last (well the Greens last, but Labor was right there!)!

And someone please tell me why we are becoming such an extreme left wing feminist country for? New Zealand has that short haired Helen Clark (Is she married???), and we don't want to go down that path!

Julia Gillard isn't married, has a wild this speaks dozens on Labor-No family values.....

Labor=No Family Values

Monday, December 3, 2007

Drive Across the Runway from Gibraltar to Spain!

Ever wanted to know what is like to drive across a runway used by 200 tonne jet aeroplanes????

A close examination of this photo reveals some exquisitely interesting details!
I won't post photos from here simply because it is a big NONO.

Pauline Hanson and Global Cooling

Australia's wonder lady who drew Politicians of all persuasion to be united against her. The videos on her web site also disproves the CO2 theory on Global Warming. Signing the Kyoto Protocol will do nothing apart from make Kevin Rudd smile for a few weeks.

Support her Australia, she is more in favour of the ordinary man than most Politicians in Canberra are bothered to be.

The left (academia) despise her and hate her, they call her similar things to Bush like 'not intelligent'. When you say things like they really are, why are you dumb? Is it because you are not part of the leftist agenda and expose their radical ideas which do far more harm than make them feel good.

Australia needs to develop its Nuclear Power sources now. We will get left behind, not like signing the Kyoto Protocol!

Costly Super Hornets a Real Drag

Over at ELP a fine article on the enlarging of the Standard Hornet to the Super Hornet actually shows the blunders that designers made with the aircraft. Apart from being larger, there is nothing 'Super' about the new Super Hornet. What a drag, literally!

-Bill Sweetman, Just How Super is the F/A-18E/F?, Interavia Business & Technology, April 1, 2000-

-The Navy and Boeing have intensified a propaganda campaign. Unfortunately, the campaign is likely to damage their credibility in the long term, because it focuses on a few basic statements which don't mean anything like as much as the casual reader is meant to think.

For example: "The airplane meets all its key performance parameters." This is true. In 1998 -- as it became clear that the Super Hornet was slower, and less agile at transonic speeds than the C/D -- the Navy issued an "administrative clarification" which declared that speed, acceleration and sustained turn rate were not, and had never been, Key Performance Parameters (KPP) for the Super Hornet. Apparently, some misguided people thought that those were important attributes for a fighter.-

Read it all.


FANS (Future Air Navigation System) and AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) are signs of our advances in Aerospace technology.

FANS will give Air Traffic Controllers the ability to control aircraft more accurately in Ocean areas of the world where radar does not exist. It uses technology for each aircraft to individually report and for satellite tracking of aircraft since radar does not track them in Ocean regions, such as the Pacific where FANS is basically a start up for. Cathay Pacific and Qantas are two Airlines amongst others who lobbied Boeing for this system. Pilots do not have to report using voice, but using their ACARS system.

AESA Radar gives Air Combat Pilots the ability to track more targets and more able to cope with Electronic Counter Measures. More on this soon.

Withdrawing a Totally Leftist Failed Idea

Yep, the left has failed miserably in stopping President George W. Bush's surge plan in Iraq. With radical reductions in violence there it seems the left have much to answer for.

Here is Jack Murtha who opposed the troop surge. Doesn't he remind you of 'Peace In Our Time'?

The article also indicates the media's lack of reporting of American success in Iraq, but probably anywhere unless obvious.

Daniel Pipes on Teddy Bear Islam

Not Child's Play: The Teddy-Bear Intifada

National Review Online asked a group of experts: "There is rioting in Sudanese streets calling for the death of a woman over a teddy bear named Mohammed. What can we in the West possibly do with this — nationally, individually? How do we help? What must we learn from it?" For all replies, see "Symposium: Not Child's Play"

Read the rest here

Strange Riots Aborigine Community

This is strange, the Police seemed to have not caused a Riot this time in Queensland.

Of course it started in the Tavern. They don't call Kununurra's Animal Bar "The Animal Bar" for nothing, do they?

The do-gooders are trying to stamp violence out against women. Why are they ignoring the huge problem of indigenous violence, and rape and peadophilia. Welfare dependency is another huge problem that the left can't seem to handle either.

Kevin Rudd a Christian, but does he believe in Jesus?

Typical Mr Rudd....'Me Too' but as usual he can't follow up on it. I wonder how many 'Me Too's by Kevin Rudd will not be followed up? He didn't say 'Me Too' to signing the Kyoto Protocol, so that doesn't count. John Howard was never going to sign it.

So Mr Rudd, how deceptive are you? And the funny thing is the left (which is Labor, Greens and cronies- human rights lawyers etc etc) howled about the Tampa and the People Overboard 'affair' which they claimed Howard lied. You hear nothing on this. Simply their howls for 'morality' are simply hypocritical.

Leftist Tony Jones in this passage about the People Overboard 'Affair'.

One of the reasons that PM John Howard was so popular is that he really strengthened our border security. Labor will never credit him with that. They only credit with howls of lies.......

Site of the Day-Catch The Fire Ministries

Catch The Fire Ministries was targeted by Islamic Organizations in Australia and was sued for 'vilification of Islam' in Victoria. Finally the court case was thrown out and here is the site of the day, the Pastor that wouldn't apologize to people he knew just wanted him to be a dhimmi, and the rest of Australia!

Anyone who is not a Muslim and calls Pastor Danny Nahliah a radical or fundamental might be on the money, but defining him as a fundamental compared to those in Islam is totally different. This man deserves our respect coming from the world of Islam, having survived assassination attempts (in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia by the usual suspects) and now is alerting us to the perils and dangers we face in our own country. I call him a prophet of sorts, and a good one at that.

A few years ago we had the 'Democrats' whose 'slogan' was to 'keep the bastards honest', but when that slided the Democrats were no more. Hopefully having Christians in Australia such as Pastor Danny will be far better than a bunch of 'Democrats'.

The Truth on Islam.....Finally!

Finally we are seeing the truth prevail in the politically correct media portrayal on Islam. Here is a stunning blow to Islamic Propaganda and inclusive of all this, Sudan has released the English Teacher who somehow got sentenced for 15 days to prison for ALLOWING her students to call a Teddy Bear 'Mohammed'. I strongly think that these Muslims are very stupid, and the religious zealots took their swords in true Mohammedean style to call for her death.
Read the book by Robert Spencer......and the videos below are very revealing as to reveal that we are beginning to realize what kind of religion this is.

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

The Debate on the F/A18F Block II versus F15AU

I named the F15AU simply because Boeing is doing this with all their export fighters.
A great debate about the latest F15 versus the F/A18F is here and worth reading.

Maybe if Boeing redesigns the F15, that is, gives it supercruise, far longer range, and a larger load (obviously would need to increase the aircraft size and also the wing proportion size to carry more fuel and fly further), Australia should opt for that instead of just 'dumping' our F111s. Dr Carlo Kopp's RFX idea is nice too, but I don't think Australia is willing to go the miles for a specific bomber like this, especially since the US economy isn't doing that well now.

Call it the F15LR Strike Bomber and ideally would have similar characteristics to the F111.

But I support buying the standard F15 (latest version) that is superior in all forms to the F/A18F Super Hornet. The F15 (apart from F22) is the true Air Superiority Fighter.

The F15SG here.

Ronald Reagan Book Worth Reading

Reagan's War: The Epic Story of His Forty Year Struggle and Final Triumph Over Communism by Peter Schweizer

A great dose of history here with the Cold War and US President Ronald Reagan. Everyone in the West should read this book, as essential history. Just like William Shirer's work on The Rise and Fall of The Reich, it is highly essential to understand where we have come from.

Read an excerpt here.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Poor Teddy Bear!

Muslims in Sudan have absolutely no love towards Teddy Bears. I thought the Teddy Bear in question was very honoured to receive the name Mohommed, but obviously the religious nutters didn't think so.
So why does this English teacher get treated like this? I think it is true, they are VERY BACDKWARD over there, to the point of messing with thier education system like this.

I think they should get some monkeys to teach the kids in Sudan, at least the education will be in line with their Islamic Sharia Law. (Even this Muslim thinks Sharia is crazy!)

Not only these silly things but Islam threatens our freedom of speech. All over the world, where ever you see someone criticize Islam, or draw cartoons of someone (a prophet?) called Muhammed the Muslims seems to get a little angry (start threatening us with destruction, the very Muslims living amongst us!) so it seems that when they get their chance they slam us for our 'freedom'.

Who said Islam was about peace and freedom? I have never heard that, so why do we need Islam, someone tell tell me that?

In Australia the Muslims tried to sue a Christian Pastor for 'laughing' about Islam etc. Now this court case went on for several years. This borders on absolute lunacy, and represents one things to me-Islam has nothing to do with freedom.

The Paris Intifada

This is what happens when you start blaming the Police for all your problems......But is also a result of Radical Islam amongst the youth in North Paris.

"Paris is burning, yet again. The Muslim immigrant “youths” in the banlieues have taken to the streets to expand a Western front in the global jihad. This time, however, instead of just burning cars and throwing rocks, this week they have taken up arms against French police. As the Associated Press reported on the violence around Paris late Tuesday, noting the escalation beyond the car-burning intifada of November 2005, such that even apologetic Associated Press reporters are forced to describe the present rioters as “urban guerillas”:"

Read it all.

In November 2005 some 500 cars a day were being burned in Paris.

"Riots have now continued for eight days in and around

Paris. Thursday night, November 3, Muslim rioters burned 315 cars. In the previous week, they torched 177 vehicles and burned numerous businesses, a post office, and two schools. They have rampaged through twenty towns and shot at police and firemen. In an episode that summed up the failure of France’s efforts to create a domestic, domesticated Islam, when moderate Muslim leader Dalil Boubakeur, head of the Paris mosque, tried to restore calm, his car was pelted with stones and he had to rush away."

What has changed? Only one thing, the election of Conservative French President Sarkozy (thank God for that!).

Islam in Australia Gets the Flick

Thanks to Eric at ELP for this one.

Australia is starting to get cheesed of with our Islamic residents, who obviously don't think they are really Australian, or think they are more Muslim, than Australian.
Prisons in NSW

"ISLAMIC extremists are using an al-Qaeda training manual to give them instructions for taking over the state's toughest jails, prison authorities have alleged.

Up to 40 inmates had established an internal organisational structure to maintain morale, resist interrogation and recruit members to Islam."

We should get Israeli help on this matter at the very least.

and schools........ in NSW

"A SYDNEY council is set to reject a proposed Islamic college as tension about religious educational facilities escalates across the city.

Bankstown City Council will determine the development application for the 1200-student Al Amanah Islamic College at Bass Hill on Tuesday night."

Thanks God Australia rejects Islam, and it is not a religion of Peace.

Interesting Sites and Michael Savage Stands Up to CAIR

The Drudge Report, get almost every news link to the Main Stream media here, and conservative bloggers/writers.

Michael Savage is suing CAIR! This IS news!

Labor Way Out Of Touch!

Julia Gillard says Australia's productivity is 'woeful' yet this from a Labor Government which wants to increase our Aid abroad from 0.35% to 0.5% of GDP, and the same Labor that wants to end AWAs (Australian Workplace Agreements). If voters thought the Liberals and John Howard was 'out of touch' I am sure with this statement that they must be kicking themselves now.

What we have got is a proxy woman Prime Minister and an extreme leftist Government who really deceived us to get it. The education revolution is about increasing productivity? Give me a break! Labor think aid is the solution, not trade. Being the socialist types they are, I don't think they will do anything good for Australia.

Kevin Rudd seems more interested in making sure the homeless get a bed for the night instead of getting the homeless a job so they can get themselves a place to live. What a shame, maybe he really needs those glasses he wears (short-sightedness) more than John Howard. In fact, John Howard should not have been wearing glasses at all.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Global Warming Fear Scam

Here is a bunch of real scientists disposing of the Global Warming myths often made out to be true in all the mass media, or otherwise known as Main Stream Media (MSM).

Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Here are some photos of the new Dreamliner 787 by Boeing.

Julia Gillard Australia's First Ever Woman (Proxy) Prime Minister

Here is where the deception starts. Labor wants to install a woman as Prime Minister, and what better way to do it than by making her a proxy?

Labor's secret leftist agenda is slowly being revealed.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Rise of Middle Eastern Crime In Australia

Here you can study very important affairs to what is happening in NSW regarding the 'friendly' Lebanese population. If this happened in the days of the ANZACS they would all be dead!

Aborigines Want Justice-But What About the Victim?

The family of a high on drugs criminal which committed a home invasion wants justice because he had a heart attack after being arrested by Police. Maybe he shouldn't have been using drugs? Or at least he should have been in jail already or not committing a crime?
This is typical of those who wish to blame the Police for their criminal behaviour. Same as the Aborigines in Redfern several years ago which sparked riots (Redfern Riots) and other riots in Sydney because of 'Police involvement'. Shame that, the police were only doing their job.
The Cronulla Riots are the most famous since the Police had actually done very little and the community at large, that is, the law abiding community, went on the rampage. Although Policing has become so soft and politically correct, nothing will appease the left police haters/anarchists.
A good article about the Cronulla Riots is here.

Labor going Left as Usual

As usual Kevin Rudd, the new Prime Minister elect of Australia, is going to do all the trendy lefty things that they do, just to feel good about themselves of course.
They will 'soften' the intervention in the Northern Territory (means no more bans on alcohol, although many Aborigine women want the bans), say 'sorry' to 'Indigenous Australians' once again deepening the divide between them and us, those being the dole bludgers and us being the tax payers. They will sign the Kyoto protocol, although we have excellent environmental standars in this country and China doesn't, although China's pollution is so bad Australia signing the Kyoto 'feel good' protocol won't really do anything.
Saying that Labor needs to consider building Nuclear reactors if it is genuinely concerned, or at least start down that path getting good safety regulations set up for an industry which should be in Australia by 2020. The Liberals being pro-deregulation aren't much chop at setting up regulatory bodies, then Labor aren't very fast with their bureaucracy and leftist style which is totally not innovative. Lacking ideas as such, their education revolution is just about giving laptops and creating non-full fee university places, as well as building trade training centres at each high school across the country. Isn't education about learning? Oh I forgot, it is time to spend spend spend since the economy is so good and the Government debt isn't out of control since Labor just took the reigns.........
One last thing, Gough Whitlam ended the death penalty (Federal, among other disastrous acts) when he was in power, after more than 20 years of Liberal Government. Now isn't that a lefty feel good trademark for you? Labor has such a soft policy on crime that they will close down jails tomorrow if they could. Maybe a room at the Hyatt for a few nights if you commit murder? Human rights you know......
Yes yes Labor will have us living in a police state, cameras will be everywhere. They will know who done what. And criminals will get a free vacation for their trouble.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Great F22 Raptor Photos on

View here these great shots of the best fighter aircraft ever built.
Also here for Page 1.

Vietnam War Book Lists

Since reading Ann Coulter's 'Treason' I have been searching for unbiased accounts of the Vietnam War (where the author refuses to paint the US as evil and the North Vietnamese as the aggrieved and victims). Here are some book lists where you will find these kinds of books. I would not bother reading hate-America books myself since I am not a Jihadist or a US-hater. But those who are don't need to read the books on that list as it may not give them the satisfaction they want from reading lies(especially about the USA).

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Blog-Site of the Day

For books that make you think, go here.
Then I found this incredible link on that site here.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Australian Labor Party Defeat Howard Government

Tonight Australia has had a successful election where a change of Government occurred. No shots were fired in anger or groups celebrated in the streets with their AK47 machine guns like they do in terrorist controlled areas of the Middle East. Also Iraq is well on the way to being a successful democracy, and Australia can also help Iraq as many people wish to live peaceful lives there as we do here in Australia. We appreciate our democracy so we can also help those which wish to appreciate theirs.
Also the ending of one of the greatest political careers comes as the Prime Minister (many quoted as saying PM John Howard was Australia's best ever) looks like he has lost his seat by the narrowest of margins. The extreme left-wing organization 'Get-Up' can be thanked for ending the career of one of Australia's favourite Prime Ministers.
John Howard was a conservative and he was extremely well spoken, a great statesman which we may never see the likes of again. Thank you Prime Minister John Howard.

The biggest question is will we see a change of direction from new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd on Defence? I hope the only change is to build a stronger and more capable Air Force.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

RNAF a JOKE and We Will be a Joke if Labor Wins Here Too!

Anyone can walk into New Zealand right now if they wanted to. You just need something to outmanouever those P-3C Orions which carry sidewinders! If they do get taken over I hope the US charges them a mint to come their aid since they are so anti-Nuclear, anti-US and all!
Go to this site and see what the left does (disarm) to a country when it has the chance.

Labour=Disarmament, not MAINTAINING NATIONAL SECURITY! God I am surprised Labour can even spell 'security'!

Royal New Zealand Air Force

I just had an idea. Australia should replace the old Legacy Hornets now with all Super Hornets (while we also get heaps of new F15s!) and then tell New Zealand to pull their weight and take our F/A-18s. Sounds good since New Zealand doesn't even have an Air Force! What happened to their A4s we gave them? If New Zealand don't want them we will just make 'peace' with them by making them offer us the South Island. Hey, most of them live on the North Island and we will be doing them a favour! At least if anyone invades them we can quickly take all the refugees to the South Island so they have Air Protection!

Michelle Malkin Rocks!

Reactivate RAAF Butterworth into a Forward Air Defence Base

RAAF Butterworth is one of Australia's most highly prized assets. Although mainly a Malaysian Air Base now, Australia is partnering with the Malaysian Air Force to train them here in Australia. We should take full advantage and forward deploy units (we haven't got any!! is 92 Wing still there?) to Butterworth.

Site of the Day

Visit Paul's Defence blog for some interesting info on the state of our Air Force.

China -No ThanksGiving!

The Chinese Government obviously didn't mind playing games with US Navy Thanksgiving celebrations this week. They are acting like little babies. Boycott the Olympics I say!
They even rubbed it in by changing their position and 'allowing' the USS Kitty Hawk into Hong Kong so families could be re-united. Oops, China still has a problem with Hong Kong being democratic and independent........ also Taiwan, Tibet AND the USA!!

Other Countries which Operate the F/A18 Hornet

And currently no country has any plans to buy the unwanted Super Hornet, though it would be an ideal replacement for Canada and Switzerland which operate the legacy Hornet.
Canada bought 138 Hornets, designed as a replacement for the Awesome and still flying F4-Phantoms. The US Navy acquired the Hornets to replace the Phantoms. The F4 Phantom was and still is an awesome flying machine, with one Japanese expert (In Japan they have many F-1, F-2 and F-4 aircraft) relating to me of the next great design after the F-4 being ditched for the F/A18.
As always in the West we seem to be slipping in performance while going for intelligence and technology. With September 11th I think the terrorist proved technology alone is no saviour. Someone wake up.
The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) liked the Phantoms so much they wanted them, when they were on-loan to Australia in 1970-1973 due to problems with the F111s. Many F-4s still fly today. Japan, Israel, Greece and Germany are current operators. The USAF continues to operate QF-4s as target drones (what a waste!).

Labor Will Disarm Australia!

Courtesy of the Defence Minister, Labor will enact its 'secret' disarmament policies if elected this Saturday. I did look at the ALP Policies, but found little to no substance apart from following the Coalition Government and criticizing their policies. Although the Minister doesn't realize the F15 is better for Australia than the Super Hornet and the F22 than the JSF F35, I still think John Howard is a safer bet than a Rudd Government.

Kevin Rudd and the Labor Party as a whole has no clear direction for Australia and especially with the issue of welfare abuse, the leftists (Labor) are refusing to pay attention except to say no Government intervention in the N.T. . In the long term we need to cease the welfare state, but we need to get there with reforms. Does Rudd intend to do this? Um, maybe he will educate the natives on superior brewing techniques (with laptops mind you!) as part of his education revolution. I wonder how much Mao and Stalinist theory will be required to be in the curriculum?

The news item below about Labor 'pushing' to buy the F22 has no credence, especially in the Defence Policy of Labor. It is all too convenient to scream 'blue murder' at the time, like Mr Rudd does his "Me too", but when required to act, the game will have changed.

Labor intends to 'engage' the South Pacific 'Rim of Fire' by setting up a new Stalinist indoctrination complex. Instead of using force where necessary, Labor wants to try leftist 'non-aggression'.

Robert McClelland, the ALP's Shadow Defence Minister, seems to me to be pro-disarmament, contrasting Kim Beazley's 'call to arms' policy similar to Churchill. Even with Beazley with Defence Minister, funding was cut. With this guy, he may just hand over all the ADF's equipment to Indonesia as a gesture of 'good will'. Poor Singapore, a much higher defence budget than Australia (per capita), and with Labor at the helm will probably see itself as the new Strategic Superpower in the region.

With both Parties offering little vision for our Air Force, it seems that the current Government, who last under saw the purchase of new fighter aircraft for Australia (early 1980s), can only be trusted with this. What a shame we didn't get the F15 though, a true Air Superiority fighter. The F15E can also do Air-Ground. But fly it with an F111 on missions both can perform deep strike mission duties, but the F15 would be ideal for covering the F111 on its deep strike.

Labor is not intent on having a direction for our Military (or ADF as we call it, Australian Defence Forces-the best form of Defence is Attack though!) and since the likes of Beazley, Hawke and Keating are no longer, and have no similar identities in the current radical left makeup of Labor, we will lose out on Defence altogether, if Labor get elected. My prediction though is that the Coalition will be re-elected.

If Australia voted the Labor Government in, it will be the first time Labor has a major stranglehold in Australia on all State and Federal Governments. I can't see this happening at the present time, as Prime Minister John Howard is still quite popular.

One can only hope Peter Costello will make some good decisions on Defence once he takes Office. He will be a truly legendary Prime Minister for Australia. John Howard has been and is too, at last making some good changes in Industrial Relations. But it all started with that, thanks to Union militarism. Even today at construction sites we see the CFMEU flying their Scottish flags. Keep 'em flying boys, you help remind Australia why PM John Howard is there.

Visit Air Power Australia for more information on Australian Air Power, its importance and needs we have.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Australia 'Increasing' Spending on Defence but will soon be Impotent

The Department od Defence's response to the TV program mentioned in the last post has been countered by expert Dr Carlo Kopp who brings up the following, yet extremely worrying information which reveals the impotent direction of our Military.

"The Boeing St Louis plan to sell Super Hornets to Australia (Project ARCHANGEL) has been in play since 1998. In 2003, Defence was directed by the then Minister for Defence, the Hon Senator Robert Hill, to effectively ‘cease and desist’ from considering an interim fighter solution.

In 2004, the Chief of the Air Force (CAF) stated that the F-111 would not be retired until all major capability projects supporting the RAAF Air Combat Capability were completed and in service. These projects included the AEW&C aircraft, the New Air Refuel Tankers, the Hornet Upgrade (HUG) Program, and the Weapons Improvement Programs.

On page 147 of the Defence Annual Report (DAR) published at the end of calendar year 2004, the following statement may be found:

“The decision to retire the F111 aircraft around 2010 was announced during the year. To ensure the maintenance of strike capability, the Government announced that retirement of the F111 was dependent on the successful introduction into service of airborne early warning and control and A330 tanker aircraft, completion of the F/A18 upgrade, and the introduction of improved weapons and long-range stand-off weapons for P3 Orion and F/A18 Hornet aircraft.”

In 2005 and 2006, the Chief of Defence Force (CDF), the new CAF, the Deputy Chief of the Air Force (DCAF), the NACC Program Office and the Office of the Minister for Defence repeated this statement though without any reference to arming the P-3 Orion with long range stand-off weapons notable by its absence."

If we are going to use the PC-3 Orions to carry stand-off weapons, then why are we getting the F111s retired for? Maybe we should just get some 737s and arm them with cruise missiles. At least the need for stealth is not there since Defence want to arm the PC-3s, which don't have the ground radar which enables low flying missions which the F111 performs. Aren't the PC-3s 'sub-hunters'? Maybe not, since Defence's needs change daily depending how much money they need for the JSF. Since the US has cut its JSF order in half, we might need to retire the F-18s since its costing too much to replace their centre barrels. (The F111s have superior airframes compared to the dud Hornets!) Ahhhhhhhhh, at least we will have the 24 Super Hornets, and the new KC-30 (Airbus) tankers.

Even Singapore has a bigger Air Force than us!

Flying Blind at ELP's War PIGs

ELP's War PIGs
The Four Corners TV show about the 'Australian (Air Superiority) Security Complex' we suffer from here in Australia. Like a short and skinny runt we seek to 'become invisible' with the F-35. Um, if the bullies see us we are stuffed...........

And as usual no Politician in Australia (apart from Dr Denis Jensen who the Liberals wanted to get rid of at one stage) cares about an Air Force, even though it is 62 years since the end of World War II.

Many Australians think we 'suck up to the Yanks' but you never hear these Aussies winging about the pathetic size of our Army and most importantly Air Force. They don't care. They only start shaking in their boots when they realize we really do need to start sucking up to the Yanks. Why don't we think with vision and build an Air Force with a similar capability of Israel and Japan? They have far superior F15s! My God, we are using 'US Navy' F18 Hornets. They look and sound nice but will only proove usable on Aussie or Yankie Aircraft Carriers.

Check out the Four Corners post on Eric's site, the links to watch the TV show are all there.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Site Of The Day-Election 2007 The Australian

Election 2007 The Australian.

Australian Election November 24th and Kevin Rudd wasting Taxpayer's Money Already

Big news today with Prime Minister John Howard calling the election for the 24th November. It was rumoured yesterday he was going to call it this weekend rather than call Parliament back this week. Kevin Rudd probably didn't expect it to be called because he was accusing the Government of wasting taxpayers money last week for recalling Parliament this week if Mr Howard decided to have Parliament sit. Mr Rudd IS a waste of taxpayers money since every time he goes to Canberra he is using taxes to pay for it. So where does he stand on this one? He has no choice but to serve the electorate which voted for him? Will he decide to stay in Canberra and not travel any more, even to his electorate, so he can be 'fiscally conservative'?

Will Mr Rudd declare he will use Union money to travel around the country IF he was the future Prime Minister? they have so much Union backing it would be economically feasible.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Liberals (note: leftists, not Australian Liberal Party) Ignore the Surge

In Iraq the surge has radically decreased the violence but liberals are still griping that Bush should never have been in there in the first place. Well, well, well. In 1998 when Lewinsky was hot Clinton launched a mini-invasion WITHOUT UN approval, and the US has been monitoring the Gulf (shipping) and no-fly zones in North and South Iraq to keep Saddam in check. Shame that leftisits refuse to acknowledge the facts.

Australian History

Prime Minister John Howard has his own education revolution planned. It in fact deals with history which I totally agree every Australian teen should study.
Here it outlines his plans to teach an all-rounded unbiased history of Australia. The left howls in agony as it is they that do not want a realistic representation of history, but their own doctored history approved by leftist unions and teachers who wish to push their views (leftist) on students.

Will Australia have the ability to think for itself or will we keep allowing political interest groups brainwash us in order to achieve their political goals. This defeats the purpose of education which is to give our young people an interest in our country's history. The 'groups' want to gain political power and use it for their gain.

History (unbiased) is so important for our school systems. John Howard has a plan.

Research what the news is saying on this issue and John Howard's plan. It may enlighten the reader to the facts of which I mention above.

Global Warming Must See Video

I have investigated this issue thoroughly and I am convinced that 'Climate Change' is not caused by carbon emissions. I can't see the link, except in the environmental movement's motives, which are:
1. To stifle, prevent and block any commercial development.
2. To promote a Frankfurt School Socialist type of system using 'Global Warming' as its vehicle to execute its plans.
3. To prevent those in poorer countries luxuries that we have here in the West.

Basically the environmental movement is totally obsessed in controlling the earth as any Communist doctrine will strive for. They do not realise the reasons of reality but live in a propaganda sheltered world which prevents them from keeping an open mind and actually thinking individually.

The Great Global Warming Swindle is a must see if you can dare appreciate clean drinking water, electricity, gas, garbage collection services and beautiful roads in your own 'environment'.

Before you read the 'lies' which dispute the documentary, ask yourself, if a doctrine is not able to stand being questioned then what will the proponent's reaction of that doctrine be? Mind the rug, there might be something swept under it no one wants you to know.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Site of the Day: Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

McClelland Apologises!

And he accuses 'one major newspaper insinuating "that I was advocating in respect to individuals who had been convicted of terrorism. That wasn’t my intention. " ' Well your speech actually says the opposite Mr McClelland- :"In Government we will therefore take the lead on encouraging the establishment of a regional coalition against the death penalty. This will demonstrate that Australia is serious about universal abolition."

So is Labor talking about abolishing the death penalty, or only abolishing it for those that are not convicted of terrorism? According to everything Labor has said they ARE advocting abolishment of the death penalty without regards for terrorism or not. The only confusion has actually arisen during Mr McClelland's apology.

Read the article at The Australian, you will see Labor is only covering themselves by saying they weren't advocating the death penalty for foreigners, but it is the biggest ever smokescreen by Labor I have ever seen. They don't appreciate that Australians actually like Asia and actually a lot of Labor voters have totally agreed with Corporal and Capital punishment. Now we will see who wins the election. It wasn't Howard's rabbit, it was Rudd's duck.

And what is Mr McClelland exactly apologising for? "Robert McClelland says his controversial death penalty speech was poorly timed and open to the interpretation that he might defend the Bali bombers."

Rudd wants to abolish Capital Punishment

This site says Rudd wants to abolish the death penalty, back in June of this year. Isn't it already abolished here in Australia? Oh, you mean he wants to do what Robert McClelland said the other night in his speech? Um, yes, it looks, as though, Rudd agrees with everything Robert McClelland says,um..... except the terrorist part. So is Labor going to abolish the death penalty in Asia or not?

Vote Labor.......
.....Vote Labor to abolish the death penalty in Asia......don't worry if they are democracies, we will FORCE them because we know better, and of course we don't care! And don't use the T word, -it may make the Bali bomb victims a little hysterical.........

This sounds like the Shadow Minister the other night which Rudd ripped into for:
from AsiaDeathDenalty blog

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Australia: Rudd would oppose death penalty

The author of a new biography of Australia's Opposition Leader says Kevin Rudd would launch a campaign against the death penalty if he was elected Prime Minister.

Robert Macklin said Mr Rudd had not spoken widely about the issue before, but his authorised biography contained "a heck of a lot that is absolutely brand new".

"For example, I'm sure that no one has ever mentioned that if he gets to be prime minister one of his important foreign policy objectives will be to begin a campaign to rid the world of the death penalty," the ABC quoted him as saying.

Read the rest....

Rudd is Laughing Stock-Rudd's Lies are Striking

Abolition of the Death Penalty; Appointment of Robert Gerard

Rudd is a liar. How will he explain this? 'I goofed.....again' is a possible goer with the 'Me-too' Opposition Leader.
Not only was the idea about taking Iran's President to the ICC a joke by Mr Rudd, but this takes the cake. On 3rd December 2005 Kevin Rudd had spoken entirely in favor of abolishing the death penalty and his comments are exactly in line with Robert McClellands and the Labor Party's own policies. Labor is against the death penalty full stop. Doesn't matter if your family member or mate died because of some terrorist. Labor doesn't care.

Just look at their policy. They are even against sending people to jail. No wonder state Labor won't commit to building prisons in order to allow for extra flexibility so Judges don't keep on 'suspending sentences'. I bet that the Australian Labor Party is promoting human rights for offenders, that is, letting them go with 'paper sentences' like suspending the sentence. They are willing to confiscate in Communist fashion the assets of corporate offenders and those who have assets/money. Shame that criminals are smart and won't allow the police to sniff out their bank accounts.
Labor is a Socialist party with extreme left wing policies that promote crime and follow in the footsteps of Britain where it has essentially gone down the drain. They will probably send flowers to terrorists if they commit an atrocity against Australia instead of to the victims...... God can't the lefties go to NZ where that woman PM is their spokeswoman, opposing the Iraq war and all that?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Human Shields From Iraq MIA?

Where are those peace activist who went to Iraq to stop a war? I suppose they aren't concerned so much with the death rate in anything than with the US's plans for democracy. I wonder if they are going to go to Burma to protect the Junta instead of protect the protesters?

Site of the Day-All About Iran

Kenneth Timmerman is one of those Authors I love. His web site is here.

Communism Alive and Well

This one I found through Jim Ball's web site. An Article in American Thinker, I have never assumed the Cold War to be over. The Soviet collapse basically ended any hostilities against the West for a period. Now we will see how Stalinist they still are.

Actually a book I am reading by Whittaker Chambers called Witness is a lot about Communism in the US. It is a masterpiece and everyone should read it.

This is another great article on Neo-Communism and worth reading too.

Prime Minister Says Rudd Fails to Take Responsibility for His Own Policies

The Prime Minister rightly says that Kevin Rudd is blaming the wrong man here.

"We hear a lot from Mr Rudd about the blame game; I think I now know what the blame game is. It's Mr Rudd blaming other people when he should accept responsibility. If there is a bad policy of the Government, or a policy that gets criticised then I have to accept and so I should as head of the Government, responsibility for it. But for Mr Rudd to try and blame other people and to pretend that Robert McClelland was not articulating the policy of the Australian Labor Party is quite extraordinary and he deserves to be criticised for trying to blame other people for an insensitive policy."

Kevin Rudd does not want to take a Political bullet on this, and it seems that his whole party has taken the bullet by upsetting a lot of Australians. Not only this but my own local member wanted to save the Bali Nine from Death Row, spend taxpayer money on them by bringing them back here. Well, why not bring all the war criminals and druggies to Australia and fix them up in one of our Hilton Hotel jails. We could even supply them with a drug fest all purely at Australian taxpayer expense. I am glad now the Australian community are seeing the Australian Labor Party's True Colours.

Guns Stop Murder

Guns are used in this American town to great effect. In Australia the leftists would shriek that we would reduce our murder and crime rates that they would call guns evil as usual!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Labor to Bully our Asian Neighbors to End Death Penalty!

Save Bali bombers: McClelland

Has Labor made the slip that Howard needs to take the lead in the polls? With this stunning development in Labor's defeatist leftism, Australian's may now thwart Rudd's lead in the polls and finally we may see an election announced very soon.
Labor would be distracted with campaigning on its leftist issues and policies like this and we will see a Rudd Government become stagnant and lose the plot. It is not ok to go into Iraq but it is ok to tell other countries what to do? Labor is hypocritical in its Foreign Policy as well as many other policies, especially Industrial Relations. Extorting money from companies to campaign for Labor is fine, but for companies to actually speak out FOR the Howard Government's IR laws is outrageous according to Labor.
Labor has also absolved itself of any moral responsibility. With these countries in Asia handing out the death penalty to these terrorists it is morally incorrect to say that we need to save these murderers. Why is it Labor want to help non-Australians who blow us (Australians!) up and not the other way around? Labor is off the planet, as usual.
With Labor involved with the 'Human Rights Movement' aka Do-Gooders where the Judges will have unelected Authority over the population, what will happen to democracy, let alone our Court and Justice system which is already under high-powered attack from the legal fraternity.

I feel the same as this Bali Bomber survivor, I am outraged.