Saturday, December 8, 2007

Labor 'May' be Serious on F-22, according to Aviation Week

Just all rumour at the moment, but there is a possibility that the new Government may trump the Liberals in Defence spending. The F-22, if purchased alongside the F-35 JSF, in significant numbers, will make Australians sit up and take notice. The first Labor Government to spend money on RAAF aircraft acquisitions in more than 50 years is and will be a remarkable feat. Maybe Mr Rudd is like Curtin, acting in Australia's interests for a change. Maybe the Liberals can learn from this, by not following the US's lead all the time, even though that Australia fully supports the US and remains best friends. The USA is Australia's blood brother, having fought side by side in the Pacific Theatre in the early to mid 1940s. We won't forget, and neither will they. Lest they forget.
God Bless Australia, God Bless America.

(In an earlier post I stated a possible Labor disarmament of Australia. Until we see things pan out and decisions being made in Canberra, we have little idea of where things are going.)

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