Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Whales Deplete Fish Stocks

Obviously there will much hype on this one from the massive left leaning whale protection/lover lobby.
What amazes me is common sense would tell you Whales don't eat cows, horses, birds, or other variety of land or air animal. And whales don't eat seaweed either. I can't understand why people don't get it, that whales eat vast amounts of fish. Well, some people don't get it at all. That is why we have whale lovers and many types of 'minority lobby groups' which push those in Authority to do things for them.

The anti-fishing lobby here in Australia is clearly happy at people being blamed for 'over-fishing'. Well, its true if you blame the very same people for banning whaling. Fisherman are being forced to give up their livelihood because of these minority groups.

And because Labor is in power all over Australia, State and Federal, they strive to do the propaganda bidding of these minority groups.

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