Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Labor's Extreme Left Wing Activists!

Penny Wong is a Lesbian and for that she gets to be Environment Minister. Wow, if Peter Garrett was a homosexual, maybe he could have got that job.
Not with a Rudd, a a wannabe feminist.
Oh yeah, he is our new Prime Minister, that is if you don't think that Julia Gillard is the real PM.
Wanna find out what Penny Wong is like? Well she is unionist, activist, lesbian/homosexual and every other feral thing you can think of. God, what did Australia vote for????
Am I glad I put Labor last (well the Greens last, but Labor was right there!)!

And someone please tell me why we are becoming such an extreme left wing feminist country for? New Zealand has that short haired Helen Clark (Is she married???), and we don't want to go down that path!

Julia Gillard isn't married, has a wild boyfriend........so this speaks dozens on Labor-No family values.....

Labor=No Family Values


Anonymous said...

My grandfathers best mate was gay and he died fighting the nazis with my grandfather, shame he had no 'family values', he had to get by with just courage and honour.

F111RAAF said...

So is this your best defence of Labor? Why couldn't you just say that your grandfather's best mate had a kid with his 'gay' mate and has made a mockery of IVF?
Shame that two men or two women can not produce a traditional family, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

If Penny Wong is Gay, that makes her totally unequiped to deal with climate change or any other portfolio in my books. I'm personally calling for her sacking. In fact, I would scrap the entire environment and climate change portfolios because lets face it, the whole 'climate change' issue is an elaborate scam dreamed up by a bunch of 'leftist' lesbian loonys whose entire objective in life is to slow down progress. As for being a former unionist, It astonishes me that anyone would vote for someone to represent the people, who previously has worked in a job where their primary function was to represent the people. Outragous! The appointment of Penny Wong to Climate Cahnge Minister (what a joke) is the most irresponsible act by any government in Australian history!

F111RAAF said...

Represent the People? You are being kind of simple there, ignorant in fact.
A unionist does not represent the people at all. If that was the case then they would be an MP. Shucks, it is not as outrageous as you would have us believe mate.

A Unionist represents workers who often try to trump the employer who they work for. This is outright bastard bullying.

And climate change you think is a scam? Well your sarcasm is pretty thin and I don't know why but why do so many people believe that I don't believe that climate change is occurring? I just think it has nothing to do with CO2 emissions, and analyzing the historical context of previous climate events, I think people are in a panic to save the earth. In fact we could all hold our breath for a while then see instant CO2 reductions.

Instead of climbing all over a coal power plant in NSW why don't the greenies plant some trees. It would actually help more than their idealistic campaign to force us to use wind and solar power. And to stop using OUR vehicles.

Japan (home of the Kyoto protocol) has Nuclear power and it is stunning how Nuclear Power does not contribute to CO2 emissions. But in Australia those lefty Labor Parties are all against Nuclear Power and saving the planet. Even though they are pinning climate change on the 'rise of CO2' emissions. Ever since the Industrial revolution the leftists , socialists and communists are all against innovation. True, there were a few things like acid rain (it didn't kill people though!) but the countries like China who is producing by far the most CO2 on the planet are going to be allowed to dump more of their CO2 into the atmosphere. I support the freedom of countries to self-regulate their 'assumed CO2 greenhouse gases' for two reasons. First, is that I don't believe one bit that CO2 is responsible for global warming (what about several thousands of years ago-no sudden rise in CO2 but the atmosphere warmed!), and second I think the less people working is not good. Keep people in work and develop the countries who wish to allow investors to develop. Otherwise we are going to see people with no economic sense run the world and we will see less opportunities.

So when is Kevin Rudd going to start walking to work, have his kids walk or ride to school, and reduce emissions for himself?

Anonymous said...

You've opened up my eyes! I can see! I was being simplistic, well, compared to your arguements, in fact your entire blog is full of well thought through, balanced, factual and reasonable ideas and arguements. I'm impressed! I guess alot of other people are too, in fact so impressed or maybe even intimidated by your vast knowledge and understanding of such highly complex issues that they didn't feel worthy of leaving a comment.
You want to talk about simplistic. Ok. Every single blog topic you've posted is like you've picked a topic and thought "where does the right stand on this?" and then proceded to support that line of arguement with whatever you feel like, whether that be fact(usually twisted), fiction, speculation, derogitory comments or any other crap that you feel like typing. Start using your own brain to think things through rather than just copying other people and then you might present a worthwhile blog because you're obviously passionate about issues! You see everything in black and white and it just doesn't work that way. Democracy works because of a balance of left and right not all one or all the other. You go down either of those paths and you don't have democracy (which you claim to love so much). You have a major chip on your shoulder and it has much more to do with your own life experiences than your self believed intellectual superiority. You're not that smart mate! You're certainly not smarter than the Significant majority of the world's scientists that do believe that climate change is a result of Co2 emmisions. Or do you think that they've all missed the climate patterns data that you think you're so clever for reading off someone else's website? Or is it some secret agenda that they're all subscribing to that only clever people like you are on to?
Stop seeing the world as 'goodies vs baddies' or you are destined for a future full of frustration and dissappointment, I can assure you. By the way, I'm not a 'lefty' mate. I believe in balance, reason and peolple thinking for themselves.

F111RAAF said...

With gays and lesbians running the country of course I have a chip on my shoulder.
I actually get colour images with my eyesight? How about yours? Did you get the Opus version?

Anonymous said...

You have a very small brain.

F111RAAF said...

Yes this is exactly why Ann Coulter's books are so applicable in this case. How To Talk To a Liberal, If You Must, is highly recommended.

And yes, tommy, leftists always resort to nastiness like your one lined comment without even linking it to something....Wow I can see your brain outgrowing your skull, you might need to get a new skull there, and yes my brain is small but well used compared to some leftists brains (outgrowing their skulls due to some probelm with the user unable to 'engage' it) so with what I have, as Jesus said in the parable with the mites (1 had had 1 mite, 1 had 5 mites and 1 had 10 mites) I would like to think I have used my brain more than using a computer. The brain is the most well designed computer of all and the most miraculous, oh yes, designed by God too.
And my brain calculates that gays and lesbians are purely perverse in their sexual function. My brain also deduces that (like electronic connections, if you know anything about computers) putting two men in a sexual position or two women likewise, will not obtain any reproduction. That is, the sexual function used by the two men or two women is incorrect according to the design of the human, and will not result in creating new life. Ahhhhhh did that click? If not read on. With computers you won't get any power by putting males into males. It just won't happen. Also with the wiring it won't be the right way around. So you are not going to get the designed use out the computer, which is to run electrical current through the circuits to produce results on a monitor which you can read.
Same with the human body. A male does not produce eggs and female does not produce sperm.
And science correctly deduces that a sperm needs to fertilize an egg in order for cell division (and human life obviously) to occur. This is a truly wonderful event, as many fathers can truly (as well mothers) testify. A momentus occasion.
The homo perverts would have us believe they need donors, IVF, adoption, and other 'methods' which do not actually relate to their perverse function of homosexuality. They 'want kids'. Well if you want kids you know what to do, a male gets a female and performs etc etc and the sperm goes to the egg and whalah, you have a baby. Of course the pathetic abortionists would rather have us believe that a foetus in a human being, growing and being fed by a mother, is not actually a foetus.
In my mind then, I think you don't need a brain to be a leftist, which is what I think you have. I will let God judge me, but I love putting it to good use, such as making your comments look a little grey and dull, as you want us to see you (not black and white). I prefer colour, as I said before, it is more pleasant than 'communist' grey.