Sunday, June 28, 2009

White Paper Released

I haven't really posted much on here since the A330 issue where Kevin Rudd has been tearing up our military. They even knocked the 4th Air Warfare Destroyer on the head and won't build a nuclear powered submarine that could stay under water undetectable to satellite.
But it seems that Labor is going to cut Defence spending by simply forcing Defence to make cuts to 'save' money. Bases will close, and maintenance and equipment will be mothballed. Its the only way, as in the Clinton years, that the military will be able to save money. Kevin Rudd and his Government are very sneaky, saying they will maintain 3% growth in Defence spending, but unfortunately it seems that Defence will have to 'save' money. If I find an article that deals with this funding lie in more detail and explanation than I have I will post it, or let me know.

Smokescreen obscures detail of cuts

Defence Whitepaper Website

Brand Rudd's fantasy Defence White Paper

Experts shoot holes in Kevin Rudd's defence white paper

Kevin Rudd to announce Australia's biggest military build-up since World War II

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