Sunday, January 6, 2008

Do-Gooder Groups

The NSW Council of Civil Liberties has ridiculous stuff on their site. They have a 'prisoner section' but not a 'police section (they must be leaving that job to the Police Union?) and they have rights for practically everything, and a drugs decriminalization policy.

The most hilarious thing on their site is 'Victim's Rights'! Funny, how do victim's have rights these days? Looks like the left have just concocted another minority group to 'use' in their attacks on the establishment for actually catching and processing criminals in the Justice System. Take care of the victim, through taxes, and we can forget the criminal, well the left thinks so! Problem Solved!

We also have the Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

One group we don't have is the Pay for the Consequences So Don't Do IT!

Isn't this why we have so many young people killing themselves these days on the roads? They don't understand the consequences. Blame the left, they obviously have little regard to placing responsibility on those in society to whom it properly belongs.

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