Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Unions are a Totalitarian Ideology

Not only do I think Unions are greedy (I was quoted many time today from the new Union Rep at work that only members will get more money) and have no respect for the law, but they are totalitarian in their ideology.
Let me explain.
If the law allowed it, Unions would force workers to join, as they did in the past, until John Howard finally came along and gave us the choice to be in a Union or not. This is one of the greatest legacies of the Liberal Government of John Howard and Peter Costello.
Nowadays Unions cannot force themselves on people who do not want to be a part of their bullying (or 'representation'). I for one know that if I need a Union, I would be admitting I am weak and need assistance, akin to some guys asking for mom in a fight. Next time the Union has a meeting I will invite them to Church to sing God's praises instead of their own calls for more money. What we need is more generosity, not more greed, and Unions will lift inflation if they simply keep asking for a wage rise every time a new agreement comes along.
If Unions had any care for the economy, they would see their errors. As far as I am concerned, I don't work for a Union, so why should I have anything to do with them. You can choose to be a victim or a person who makes their own choices by continue to work for the dollar promised by your company or business. Be happy with what you have got, that was Grandmother's saying.

And for a final word, I am employed by someone. If I need to go to someone else to 'represent' me, aren't I being a little childish? I am able to stand up for myself, and if you need a Union, you should be in Church praying for strength from God to do just that, and not at a Union meeting.

God told me to leave the Union about 7 years ago. I obeyed and I what I saw was staggering. My eyes were opened to new revelation. It was a positive life experience where I believe God was showing me a new and better way. The Jews know this (and that is why many dislike them) and because they put it into action, they are more successful than many others in the marketplace. It all comes down to understanding really. Without any (understanding) you don't have a clue. I am sure glad I have that understanding so I can move ahead in life. I am thankful to God for this.

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