Wednesday, January 9, 2008

F15s Option For Australia

From The Australian:

Reversing these mistakes may well involve break fees of substantial sums of money, perhaps well north of $1billion. But it's better not to send good money after bad. So, for example, scrap the heavy, slow, $6billion F-16 (should be F-18 - ed) Super Hornet project now and pay the break fee if necessary. Either find a way to keep the F-111s going or, if that's truly not possible, buy F-15s (perhaps the South Korean version) which can match the new generation Russian Sukhois being bought widely in our region. And fight as hard as possible to get the F-22 Raptor air-superiority aircraft rather than the Joint Strike Fighter.

The F15s are an excellent way to make Australia's Air Force Superior. The F15 is a true Air Superiority Fighter. Flown alongside the F111s Australia will be as feared as the United States and Singapore in our region alone.

Read the whole article here.

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